In order to image your servers, you need to download an ESXi ISO and any vSphere Installation Bundles (VIBs) required to get the servers to a supported version of ESXi. See the BOM section of the VMware Cloud Foundation Release Notes for information about ESXi support.

You can download the ISO and VIBs from My VMware ( to any location on the Windows machine that is connected to the VMware Cloud Builder appliance. Make sure to record the MD5 or SHA-1 checksums. You will need them when you upload the ISO/VIB to the VMware Imaging Appliance service.

If the required version of ESXi does not have an ISO available on My VMware, you can create one. See Create a Custom ISO Image for ESXi. In order to upload a user-created custom ISO for use with the VMware Imaging Appliance, you must provide an MD5 checksum. You can use an MD5 utility to generate a checksum for user-created custom ISOs.