Using the Bundle Transfer utility, you can download specific bundles.

The Bundle Transfer utility includes the following options for downloading specific bundles:
  • Download the bundles for a specific version of VMware Cloud Foundation.
    ./lcm-bundle-transfer-util --download --outputDirectory Output-Dir --depotUser depotUser --productVersion product_version
    For product_version, enter a four-digit version number, for example
    Note: This method only lists the bundles for the specific VMware Cloud Foundation version. It does not include any intermediate bundles you may need to upgrade to this version. If you want to download all the bundles required for an upgrade, including intermediate bundles, see Offline Bundle Download for VMware Cloud Foundation.
  • Download bundles of a specific type.
    ./lcm-bundle-transfer-util --download --outputDirectory Output-Dir --depotUser depotUser --imageType image_type
    For image_type, enter INSTALL for install bundles or PATCH for upgrade bundles.
  • Download a specific bundle.
    ./lcm-bundle-transfer-util --download --outputDirectory Output-Dir --depotUser depotUser --bundle bundle_id
    For bundle_id, enter the bundle ID. For example, bundle-42515. To determine the bundle ID for a specific bundle, you can use the --listBundles option. For example:
    ./lcm-bundle-transfer-util --depotUser depotUser --listBundles
    You can use the --listBundles option in conjunction with the --productVersion or --imageType option to narrow the list of bundles that displays. For example:
    ./lcm-bundle-transfer-util --depotUser depotUser --listBundles --productVersion
    ./lcm-bundle-transfer-util --depotUser depotUser --listBundles --imageType INSTALL