You deploy an SDDC Manager appliance in the management domain for creating VI workload domains, provisioning additional virtual infrastructure, and life cycle management of the SDDC management components.
You use SDDC Manager to perform the following operations:
Commissioning or decommissioning ESXi hosts
Deployment of VI workload domains
Extension of clusters in the management and VI workload domains with ESXi hosts
Adding clusters to the management domain and VI workload domains
Support for network pools for host configuration in a VI workload domain
Product licenses storage
Deployment of vRealize Suite components.
Life cycle management of the virtual infrastructure components in all workload domains, and of vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager components.
Certificate management
Password management and rotation
NSX Edge cluster deployment in the management domain and VI workload domains
Backup configuration
Single VMware Cloud Foundation Instance |
Single VMware Cloud Foundation Instance with Multiple Availability Zones |
Multiple VMware Cloud Foundation Instances |