SDDC Manager provides a web-based user interface where you can manage your VMware Cloud Foundation instance. This user interface provides centralized access to and an integrated view of the physical and virtual infrastructure of your system.

In addition to using the SDDC Manager UI, you can use the following user interfaces for administration tasks involving their associated VMware software components that are part of a VMware Cloud Foundation instance. All of these interfaces run in a web browser, and you can launch them from within the SDDC Manager UI.

Launch links are typically identified in the SDDC Manager UI by the launch icon: Launch link icon that indicates a link in the SDDC Manager UI to launch another web-based UI.

VMware SDDC Web Interfaces Launch Link Location in the SDDC Manager UI
vSphere Client
  1. In the navigation pane, click Inventory > Workload Domains.
  2. Click View Details for a workload domain.
  3. In the Domain column, click the domain name.
  4. Click the Services tab.
  5. Click the vCenter Server launch link.
NSX Manager UI
  1. In the navigation pane, click Inventory > Workload Domains.
  2. Click View Details for a workload domain.
  3. In the Domain column, click the domain name.
  4. Click the Services tab.
  5. Click the NSX Cluster launch link.
VMware Host Client
  1. In the navigation pane, click Inventory > Hosts..
  2. In the FQDN column, click the host FQDN.
  3. Click Actions > Open in VMware Host Client.