Global Manager nodes are not SDDC Manager aware, so you reset their passwords manually.
- Enable SSH on Global Manager nodes.
- Start the Postman application in your web browser and log in.
- On the Authorization tab, enter the following settings.
Setting Value Type Selecr Basic Auth. User name Enter admin
.Password Enter the nsx_admin_password. - On the Headers tab, add a key as follows.
Setting Value Key Content-Type Key Value application/xml - In the request pane at the top, send the following HTTP request.
Setting Value HTTP request method Select POST. URL Enter https://nsx_node1_fqdn/api/v1/node/services/ssh?action=start
- Reset NSX Global Manager node passwords.
- Log in to the Global Manager node by using a Secure Shell (SSH) client.
- Run the shell command to switch to the bash shell.
- Run the command to reset the passwords.
passwd admin <enter admin password> <confirm admin password> passwd audit <enter audit password> <confirm audit password> passwd root <enter root password> <confirm root password>
- Deactivate SSH on Global Manager appliance.
- In the request pane at the top in Postman, send the following HTTP request.
Setting Value HTTP request method Select POST. URL Enter https://nsx_node1_fqdn/api/v1/node/services/ssh?action=stop
- In the request pane at the top in Postman, send the following HTTP request.