Global Manager nodes are not SDDC Manager aware, so you reset their passwords manually.


  1. Enable SSH on Global Manager nodes.
    1. Start the Postman application in your web browser and log in.
    2. On the Authorization tab, enter the following settings.
      Setting Value
      Type Selecr Basic Auth.
      User name Enter admin.
      Password Enter the nsx_admin_password.
    3. On the Headers tab, add a key as follows.
      Setting Value
      Key Content-Type
      Key Value application/xml
    4. In the request pane at the top, send the following HTTP request.
      Setting Value
      HTTP request method Select POST.
      URL Enter https://nsx_node1_fqdn/api/v1/node/services/ssh?action=start
  2. Reset NSX Global Manager node passwords.
    1. Log in to the Global Manager node by using a Secure Shell (SSH) client.
    2. Run the shell command to switch to the bash shell.
    3. Run the command to reset the passwords.
      passwd admin
      <enter admin password> <confirm admin password>
      passwd audit
      <enter audit password> <confirm audit password>
      passwd root
      <enter root password> <confirm root password>
  3. Deactivate SSH on Global Manager appliance.
    1. In the request pane at the top in Postman, send the following HTTP request.
      Setting Value
      HTTP request method Select POST.
      URL Enter https://nsx_node1_fqdn/api/v1/node/services/ssh?action=stop