Restoring a backup restores the state of the network at the time of the backup. In addition, the configurations maintained by Global Manager appliances are also restored.

Do not change the configuration of the NSX Global Manager cluster while the restore process is in progress.


  • Verify that you have the login credentials for the backup file server.
  • Verify that you have the SSH fingerprint of the backup file server. Only SHA256 hashed ECDSA (256 bit) host key is accepted as a fingerprint.
  • Verify that you have the passphrase of the backup file.


  1. If any nodes in the appliance cluster that you are restoring are online, power them off.
  2. Install one new appliance node on which to restore the backup.
    • If the backup listing for the backup you are restoring contains an IP address, you must deploy the new Global Manager node with the same IP address. Do not configure the node to publish its FQDN.
    • If the backup listing for the backup you are restoring contains an FQDN, you must configure the new appliance node with this FQDN and publish the FQDN. Only lowercase FQDN is supported for backup and restore.
  3. In a web browser, log in to Global Manager at https://gm_vip_fqdn/.
  4. Make the Global Manager active. You can restore a backup only on an active Global Manager.
    1. On the main navigation bar, click System.
    2. In the navigation pane, select Location Manager.
    3. On the Location Manager page, click Make Active, enter a name for the Global Manager, and click Save.
  5. On the main navigation bar, click System > Backup & Restore and then click Edit.
  6. Enter the IP address or FQDN of the backup file server.
  7. Change the default port if necessary. The default port is 22.
  8. To log in to the server, enter the user name and password.
  9. In the Destination Directory text box, enter the absolute directory path where the backups are stored.
  10. Enter the passphrase that was used to encrypt the backup data.
  11. Leave the SSH Fingerprint blank and accept the fingerprint provided by the server after you click Save in a later step.
  12. Select a backup and click Restore.
  13. The restore process prompts you to take action, if necessary, as it progresses.
  14. After the restored manager node is up and functional, deploy additional nodes to form a NSX Global Manager cluster.