After you image your servers with ESXi and VIBs, you must perform some post-imaging tasks, depending on whether you use an untagged or a tagged management VLAN.

For imaging servers, the VMware Imaging Appliance service requires an untagged VLAN. You can continue to use an untagged VLAN for management, or you can use a tagged VLAN.

Untagged Management VLAN

In this scenario, you use the same network for provisioning and management.
  • Ensure that the Management Network and VM Network port groups on each host use the untagged VLAN (VLAN ID 0)On the Port groups tab of your ESXI host, ensure that the Management Network and VM Network port groups on each host use the untagged VLAN (VLAN ID 0)
  • Verify that your DNS and NTP server are routable to the management network and ESXi hosts can reach them. To configure a default gateway or static routes on your ESXi hosts, see

Tagged Management VLAN

In this scenario, you use an untagged VLAN for provisioning and a tagged VLAN for management.
  • Modify the Management Network and VM Network port groups on each host to use the tagged VLAN
  • Migrate the hosts from the provisioning network to the management network on the TOR switches
  • Verify that your DNS and NTP server are routable to the management network and ESXi hosts can reach them. To configure a default gateway or static routes on your ESXi hosts, see