Install ESXi on all hosts in the first cluster in the management domain interactively. You can use the same process to install ESXi on additional hosts for the management domain, or on hosts for a VI workload domain.

Repeat this procedure for each host in the cluster that you want to add to a workload domain.


  1. Mount the ESXi ISO on the host and restart the machine.
  2. Set the BIOS or UEFI to boot from the mounted ISO.
    Note: If your system has supported data processing units (DPUs), you can only use UEFI to install and boot ESXi on the DPUs.
    See your hardware vendor documentation for information on changing boot order.
  3. On the welcome screen, press Enter to continue.
  4. Accept the End User License Agreement by pressing Enter.
    Starting with ESXi 8.0 Update 3, after the scanning for available devices completes, if your system has DPUs, you see them automatically listed with their respective PCI slots. You no longer select a slot. The DPU devices must be identical: same vendor, same hardware version and same firmware
  5. On the Select a Disk to Install or Upgrade screen, select the drive on which to install ESXi on and press Enter.
  6. Select the keyboard type for the host.
    You can change the keyboard type after installation in the direct console.
  7. Enter the root password for the host.
  8. In the Confirm Install screen, if you have DPUs, you see each listed on a separate row. Press F11 to confirm the start of the installation.
    Starting with ESXi 8.0 Update 3, if your systems has DPUs, you see a single progress bar for the ESXi and DPU installation, with dynamic updates to the label showing what stage of the installer is being run.
  9. On the Installation Complete screen, press Enter to reboot the host.
  10. Set the first boot device to be the drive on which you installed ESXi.
  11. Repeat this procedure for all remaining hosts.