If you imported a workload domain without NSX Manager or if you deployed a workload domain with vSphere networking, you can add an NSX Manager cluster with NSX-VLAN networking to the workload domain using the VCF Import Tool.

When you add an NSX Manager cluster using this procedure, it uses NSX-VLAN networking, not NSX-overlay networking. VI workload domains with NSX-VLAN networking do not support:
  • Stretch clusters
  • Edge cluster
  • Application Virtual Networks (AVNs)
  • VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
  • VMware Cloud Foundation with VMware Tanzu (Workload Management)

Avi Load Balancer is supported in VI workload domains with NSX-VLAN networking.


Ensure that the install bundle for a supported version of NSX is available in SDDC Manager (Lifecycle Management > Bundle Management) or the installer zip file is available on the SDDC Manager appliance. You can download the installer zip file (bundle-124941.zip) from the Broadcom Support portal.

Identify the FQDN of the vCenter Server for the workload domain where you want to deploy NSX Manager.


  1. Download the VCF Import Tool and copy it to the SDDC Manager appliance.
    You can skip this step is the VCF Import Tool already exists on the SDDC Manager appliance.
    1. Log in to the Broadcom Support Portal and browse to My Downloads > VMware Cloud Foundation.
    2. Click VMware Cloud Foundation 5.2.
    3. Click Drivers & Tools.
    4. Click the download icon for the VCF Import Tool.
    5. SSH in to the SDDC Manager appliance using the vcf user account.
    6. Create a folder for import scripts.
      mkdir /home/vcf/vcfimport
    7. Copy vcf-brownfield-import-<version-number>.tar.gz to /home/vcf/vcfimport.
    8. Navigate to the scripts directory and extract the scripts bundle.
      cd /home/vcf/vcfimport
      tar -xvf vcf-brownfield-import-<version-number>.tar.gz
    9. Browse to the vcf-brownfield-toolset directory and run:
      python3 vcf_brownfield.py --help
  2. Create an NSX deployment spec JSON and copy it to the SDDC Manager appliance.
    For example:
      "license_key": "AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEE",
      "form_factor": "medium",
      "admin_password": "<password>",
      "install_bundle_path": "/nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/bundle/bundle-124941.zip",
      "cluster_ip": "",
      "cluster_fqdn": "sfo-m01-nsx01.sfo.rainpole.io",
      "manager_specs": [{
        "fqdn": "sfo-m01-nsx01a.sfo.rainpole.io",
        "name": "sfo-m01-nsx01a",
        "ip_address": "",
        "gateway": "",
        "subnet_mask": ""
        "fqdn": "sfo-m01-nsx01b.sfo.rainpole.io",
        "name": "sfo-m01-nsx01b",
        "ip_address": "",
        "gateway": "",
        "subnet_mask": ""
        "fqdn": "sfo-m01-nsx01c.sfo.rainpole.io",
        "name": "sfo-m01-nsx01c",
        "ip_address": "",
        "gateway": "",
        "subnet_mask": ""
    If the NSX install bundle is already available in SDDC Manager, you can omit the "install_bundle_path".
  3. Run the script to deploy NSX Manager.
    1. SSH in to the SDDC Manager appliance using the vcf user account.
    2. Browse to the vcf-brownfield-toolset directory and run:
      python3 vcf_brownfield.py deploy-nsx --vcenter <vcenter-server-fqdn> --nsx-deployment-spec-path <nsx-deployment-json-spec-path>