Implementing the Cloud-Based Workload Protection for VMware Cloud Foundation validated solution includes activating the VMware Live Cyber Recovery service, preparing your VMware Cloud Foundation instance, and establishing a connection between the two.

For information on the cloud-based workload protection design, see Detailed Design for Cloud-Based Workload Protection for VMware Cloud Foundation.


To complete the implementation of Cloud-Based Workload Protection for VMware Cloud Foundation validated solution, verify that your system fulfills the following prerequisites.

Table 1. Prerequisites for Implementation of Cloud-Based Workload Protection for VMware Cloud Foundation




Active Directory

  • Verify that Active Directory Domain Controllers are available in the environment.

  • Verify that the required service accounts are created in Active Directory.

Certificate Authority

If you want to use the infrastructure-as-code method for the implementation and configuration of the Cloud-Based Workload Protection for VMware Cloud Foundation validated solution, verify that your system fulfills the following prerequisites.

Table 2. Prerequisites for CLI Implementation of Cloud-Based Workload Protection for VMware Cloud Foundation

CLI Method



  • Verify that your system has Microsoft PowerShell 5.1 installed. See Microsoft PowerShell.

  • Install the PowerValidatedSolutions PowerShell module together with the supporting modules from the PowerShell Gallery by running the following commands.
    Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI -MinimumVersion 13.2.1 -Scope AllUsers
    Install-Module -Name VMware.vSphere.SsoAdmin -MinimumVersion 1.3.9 -Scope AllUsers
    Install-Module -Name ImportExcel -MinimumVersion 7.8.5 -Scope AllUsers
    Install-Module -Name PowerVCF -MinimumVersion 2.4.0 -Scope AllUsers
    Install-Module -Name PowerValidatedSolutions -MinimumVersion 2.10.0 -Scope AllUsers
  • Import the PowerValidatedSolutions and the PowerCLI PowerShell modules by running the following commands.
    Import-Module -Name PowerValidatedSolutions -MinimumVersion 2.10.0