You utilize the compute, storage and network resources of a VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC for migrating workloads running on a VMware Cloud Foundation instance based on business mobility needs.

Table 1. Design Decisions on VMware Cloud on AWS for VMware HCX

Decision ID

Design Decision

Design Justification

Design Implication


Deploy a VMware Cloud on AWS mobility SDDC with a minimum of two nodes.

Ensures that the pre-provisioned mobility SDDC remains available. A single node expires after 60 days.

A pre-provisioned mobility SDDC consumes infrastructure that incurs a regular charge.


Configure the management gateway to allow access to VMware Cloud on AWS mobility SDDC vCenter Server over the internet.

Ensures users can access the vCenter Server UI of the mobility SDDC over the internet.

You must manually manage access to the vCenter Server by using an NSX group.