You deploy the second application, a Wordpress blog to your Tanzu Kubernetes cluster by using Helm and kubectl.


  1. Log in to the Supervisor as a vCenter Single Sign-On Administrator user.
    kubectl vsphere login --server supervisor_cluster_IP_address --TanzuKubernetesCluster tanzu_Kubernetes_cluster_name --TanzuKubernetesClusterNamespace tanzu_kubernetes_cluster_namespace --vsphere-username supervisor_cluster_administrator
  2. Switch the kubectl context to the Tanzu Kubernetes cluster.
    kubectl config set-context tanzu_kubernetes_cluster_name
  3. Create a wordpress namespace.
    kubectl create namespace wordpress 
  4. Add the Bitnami repository for Helm charts.
    helm repo add bitnami
  5. Update your local cache with the Bitnami repository details.
    helm repo update
  6. Search for the Wordpress chart in the Bitnami repository.
    helm search repo bitnami/wordpress
    You get a return value for the Wordpress chart similar to that output.
    helm search repo bitnami/wordpress
    bitnami/wordpress       10.10.8         5.7.1           Web publishing platform for building blogs and ...
  7. Deploy Wordpress by using Helm CLI.
    helm install sfo-w01-tkc01-wp01 --version version --namespace wordpress --set global.storageClass=vsphere-with-tanzu-storage-policy --set wordpressBlogName="Wordpress Instance"  --set  wordpressUsername=wp-admin --set wordpressPassword=wp-admin_password bitnami/wordpress
  8. Find the load balancer external IP address for the Wordpress service.
    kubectl get svc --namespace wordpress sfo-w01-tkc01-wp01-wordpress --template "{{ range (index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0) }}{{.}}{{ end }}"
  9. After the deployment completes, open a Web browser and enter the load balancer IP from the previous step.


A new browser window or tab opens with the "WORDPRESS INSTANCE" heading and with the "Just another Wordpress site" subheading. This is the Web interface for your new Wordpress website.