Consider replacing the default self-signed certificates for components, where possible, to improve the security of SSL/TLS connections to those components.

The security of the environment depends on the validity and trust of the management component certificates. As a best practice, you replace certificates in the following cases:
  • Before certificates expire.

  • When a certificate is compromised.

  • When the attributes related to a certificate change. For example, when the host name or the organization name change.

The certificate replacement process consists of the following phases:
  1. Complete the process for creating a certificate signing request (CSR) for the Supervisor Kubernetes API endpoint in the vSphere Client.

  2. Use the CSR to generate a CA-signed certificate.

  3. Import the certificate in the vSphere Client.

For step-by-step instructions for this process, see Replace the Supervisor Kubernetes API Endpoint Certificate for Developer Ready Infrastructure for VMware Cloud Foundation.

After the certificate replacement process has been completed, you can successfully connect to the Supervisor Kubernetes API endpoint using kubectl without specifying the --insecure-skip-tls-verify option as the signed certificate is used to encrypt communications over TCP/443 and TCP/6443.