After you complete the implementation and configuration of the Health Reporting and Monitoring for VMware Cloud Foundation validated solution, verify that the components are operational and functioning within expected parameters.

Verify Network Connectivity and Integration between the Host Virtual Machine, SDDC Manager, and VMware Aria Operations for Health Reporting and Monitoring for VMware Cloud Foundation

Verify that the host virtual machine can communicate and authenticate to the REST APIs for SDDC Manager and VMware Aria Operations.

Expected Outcome

You can successfully authenticate and make API calls to SDDC Manager and VMware Aria Operations from the host virtual machine.


  1. Log in to the host virtual machine.

    1. For Photon OS, log in to the host virtual machine at <host_virtual_machine_fqdn>:22 as the admin user by using a Secure Shell (SSH) client.

    2. For Windows Server, log in to the host virtual machine at <host_virtual_machine_fqdn> as the Administrator user by using a Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client.

  2. Start PowerShell.

  3. Verify that host virtual machine can communicate with SDDC Manager.

    Test-VCFConnection -server <sddc_manager_fqdn>
  4. Verify you can authenticate to SDDC Manager through the REST API.

    Test-VCFAuthentication -server <sddc_manager_fqdn> -user <sddc_manager_user> -pass <sddc_manager_password>
  5. Verify that the host virtual machine can communicate with VMware Aria Operations.

    Test-vROPSConnection -server <aria_operations_fqdn>
  6. Verify that you can authenticate to VMware Aria Operations through the REST API.

    Test-vROPSAuthentication -server <aria_operations_fqdn> -user <vaops_user> -pass <vaops_password>

What to do next

If you encounter issues while performing this procedure, use the following troubleshooting tips.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Ensure that there is network connectivity between the host virtual machine, SDDC Manager, and VMware Aria Operations.

  • Ensure that the credentials used to connect to SDDC Manager and VMware Aria Operations have the correct permissions.

Verify Health Report Generation with the PowerShell Module for VMware Cloud Foundation Reporting

Verify that all PowerShell dependencies for the PowerShell Module for VMware Cloud Foundation Reporting are installed on the host virtual machine and that you can generate an HTML report with the service account with the ADMIN role in SDDC Manager.

Expected Outcome

You can successfully generate an HTML report on the host virtual machine using service account with the ADMIN role in SDDC Manager.


  1. Log in to the host virtual machine.

    1. For Photon OS, log in to the host virtual machine at <host_virtual_machine_fqdn>:22 as the admin user by using a Secure Shell (SSH) client.

    2. For Windows Server, log in to the host virtual machine at <host_virtual_machine_fqdn> as the Administrator user by using a Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client.

  2. Start PowerShell.

  3. Verify that the PowerShell dependencies for the PowerShell module for VMware Cloud Foundation Reporting are installed.

  4. Verify successful generation of an HTML report by generating a System Overview report for a VMware Cloud Foundation instance using the SDDC Manager service account.

    1. For Photon OS, replace the values in the code with your values and run the commands.

      $sddcManagerFqdn = ""
      $sddcManagerUser = "[email protected]"
      $sddcManagerPass = "VMw@re1!VMw@re1!"
      $reportPath = "/opt/vmware/reporting"
    2. For Windows Server, replace the values in the code with your values and run the commands.

      $sddcManagerFqdn = ""
      $sddcManagerUser = "[email protected]"
      $sddcManagerPass = "VMw@re1!VMw@re1!"
      $reportPath = "F:\Reporting"
    3. Generate the report.

      Invoke-VcfOverviewReport -sddcManagerFqdn $sddcManagerFqdn -sddcManagerUser $sddcManagerUser -sddcManagerPass $sddcManagerPass -reportPath $reportPath

What to do next

If you encounter issues while performing this procedure, use the following troubleshooting tips.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Ensure that there is network connectivity between the host virtual machine and the SDDC Manager.

  • Ensure that all required PowerShell modules for the PowerShell Module for VMware Cloud Foundation Reporting are installed on the host virtual machine.

  • Ensure that the correct credentials are used when running PowerShell command.

Verify the Authentication to VMware Aria Operations by Using the Service Account for Health Reporting and Monitoring for VMware Cloud Foundation

Verify that you can authenticate to VMware Aria Operations with the service account by using VMware Aria Operations REST API.

Expected Outcome

You can successfully authenticate to VMware Aria Operations with the service account using VMware Aria Operations REST API.


  1. In a Web browser, navigate to https://<aria_operations_manager_fqdn>/suite-api/doc/swagger-ui.html.

  2. Click Authorize.

  3. In the Available authorizations dialog box, enter the service account with permission to access VMware Aria Operations REST API, and the password.

    The username must be in the format user@domain@authsource, where authsource must match the Source display name of your vIDM source in VMware Aria Operations. The sample username for this validated solution is [email protected]@vIDMAuthSource.
  4. On the Available authorizations, click Authorize.

  5. In the Available authorization dialog box, verify that the service account is successfully authorized.

What to do next

If you encounter issues while performing this procedure, use the following troubleshooting tips.

Troubleshooting Tips

Ensure that you are using the correct credentials to connect to VMware Aria Operations REST API and that the service account has the necessary permissions.