Use the PowerShell Module for VMware Validated Solutions to implement the Intelligent Logging and Analytics for VMware Cloud Foundation validated solution.
Before you begin, create a GitHub fine-grained personal access token with Repository access privilege for the default Public Repositories (read-only). You use this token to to authenticate to GitHub and access the required VMware Aria Operations for Logs content packs. Ensure that you add this token to the VMware Cloud Foundation Planning and Preparation Workbook. For more information, see Managing your personal access tokens in the GitHub documentation.
PowerShell Module Installation
If you want to use the open source PowerShell Module for VMware Validated Solutions to automate the implementation of this validated solution, you must first prepare the management host.
For information on how to install this module, see PowerValidated Solutions.
To report issues, obtain support, or suggest enhancements to the open-source PowerShell Module, use GitHub Issues in the GitHub repository.
- Connected Environment
- Verify that your system has PowerShell 7.2 or later installed. See Microsoft PowerShell.
Start PowerShell.
- Install the PowerShell Module for VMware Validated Solutions together with the supporting modules from the PowerShell Gallery.
Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI -MinimumVersion 13.3.0 -Scope AllUsers Install-Module -Name VMware.vSphere.SsoAdmin -MinimumVersion 1.3.9 -Scope AllUsers Install-Module -Name ImportExcel -MinimumVersion 7.8.9 -Scope AllUsers Install-Module -Name PowerVCF -MinimumVersion 2.4.0 -Scope AllUsers Install-Module -Name PowerValidatedSolutions -MinimumVersion 2.12.0 -Scope AllUsers
- Import the PowerShell Module for VMware Validated Solutions.
Import-Module -Name PowerValidatedSolutions
- Verify that all PowerShell modules are installed correctly.
- Proceed with the implementation of the validated solution.
- Disconnected Environment
- Verify that your system has PowerShell 7.2 or later installed. See Microsoft PowerShell.
- Start PowerShell.
- Create a folder to store the saved PowerShell Modules.
- Replace the variables with your values and run the commands.
$drive = "F:\" $saveModuleFolder = "modules\"
- Perform the configuration by running the command in the PowerShell console.
New-Item -Path $drive$saveModuleFolder -ItemType Directory
- Replace the variables with your values and run the commands.
- From a system with an Internet connection, save the module dependencies from the PowerShell Gallery.
Save-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI -Path "$drive$saveModuleFolder" -Repository PSGallery Save-Module -Name VMware.vSphere.SsoAdmin -Path "$drive$saveModuleFolder" -Repository PSGallery Save-Module -Name PowerVCF -Path "$drive$saveModuleFolder" -Repository PSGallery Save-Module -Name PowerValidatedSolutions -Path "$drive$saveModuleFolder" -Repository PSGallery Save-Module -Name ImportExcel -Path "$drive$saveModuleFolder" -Repository PSGallery
- From the system with the Internet connection, copy the module dependencies to a target system.
Copy-Item -Path "$drive$saveModuleFolder*" -Destination '\\<destination_host>\C$\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\' -Recurse
- Import the PowerShell Module for VMware Validated Solutions.
Import-Module -Name PowerValidatedSolutions
- Verify that all PowerShell modules are installed correctly.
- Proceed with the implementation of the validated solution.
PowerShell Implementation
- Start PowerShell.
- Create a folder structure to store the validated solution PowerShell content.
- Replace the variables with your values and run the commands in the PowerShell console.
$drive = "F:\" $parentFolder = "validatedSolutions\" $cerificateFolder = "certificates\" $binariesFolder = "binaries\" $jsonFolder = "generatedJsons\"
- Perform the configuration by running the command in the PowerShell console.
New-Item -Path $drive$parentFolder, "$drive$parentFolder$cerificateFolder", "$drive$parentFolder$jsonFolder", "$drive$parentFolder$binariesFolder" -ItemType Directory Set-Location -Path "$drive$parentFolder"
- Replace the variables with your values and run the commands in the PowerShell console.
- Start the VMware Validated Solution PowerShell menu.
- Move your completed VMware Cloud Foundation Planning and Preparation Workbook in the validatedSolutions root folder.
- Replace the variables with your values and run the command.
$pnpWorkbook = "instanceA-pnpWorkbook.xlsx"
- Start the VMware Validated Solution PowerShell menu.
Start-ValidatedSolutionMenu -jsonPath "$drive$parentFolder$jsonFolder" -certificatePath "$drive$parentFolder$cerificateFolder" -binaryPath "$drive$parentFolder$binariesFolder" -protectedWorkbook "$drive$parentFolder$pnpWorkbook" -logPath "$drive$parentFolder"
- From the main menu, enter 06. (ILA) Intelligent Logging and Analytics.
To generate the Intelligent Logging and Analytics JSON specification file based on the VMware Cloud Foundation Planning and Preparation Workbook, enter 01. Generate JSON Specification File.
- To verify that your environment meets all prerequisites, enter 02. Verify Prerequisites.
- To generate a signed certificate from a Microsoft Certificate Authority, enter 03. Generate Signed Certificate from Microsoft Certificate Authority.
- To perform the end-to-end deployment, enter 05. End-to-End Deployment.
- To perform the solution interoperability configuration, enter 07. Configuration.