To activate cross-instance SDDC components in the additional VMware Cloud Foundation instances, you add the corresponding management domain vCenter Server instances in the additional VMware Cloud Foundation instances to the cross-instance data center in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.

You add the management domain vCenter Server in the additional VMware Cloud Foundation instance to the existing cross-instance data center in the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle instance in the first VMware Cloud Foundation instance.

UI Procedure

  1. Log in to VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle at https://<aria_suite_lifecycle_fqdn> as vcfadmin@local.
  2. On the My services page, click Lifecycle operations.
  3. In the navigation pane, click Datacenters.

  4. On the Datacenters page, expand the cross-instance data center and click Add vCenter.

  5. Configure the settings according to your values in the VMware Cloud Foundation Planning and Preparation Workbook, select the Management vCenter Server type, and click Validate.

  6. After successful vCenter Server validation, click Save.
  7. In the navigation pane, click Requests and verify that the state of the vCenter data collection request is Completed.

PowerShell Procedure

  1. Start PowerShell.

  2. Replace the values in the sample code with values from your VMware Cloud Foundation Planning and Preparation Workbook and run the commands in the PowerShell console.

    $sddcManagerFqdn = ""
    $sddcManagerUser = "[email protected]"
    $sddcManagerPass = "VMw@re1!"
    $vrslcmDcName = "xint-m01-dc01"
    $vcenterFqdn = ""
    $ssoUserAlias = "svc-xint-vrslcm01-lax-m01-vc01"
  3. Perform the configuration by running the command in the PowerShell console.

    New-vRSLCMDatacenterVcenter -server $sddcManagerFqdn -user $sddcManagerUser -pass $sddcManagerPass -datacenterName $vrslcmDcName -vcenterFqdn $vcenterFqdn -userLockerAlias $ssoUserAlias