Choose to isolate load-balanced applications based on the Service Engine Group Configuration in the NSX Advanced Load Balancer section.


Create required NSX-T Cloud Connector objects on the Controller cluster.


  1. Create a new Service Engine Group on the Controller cluster.

    1. In a web browser, log in to the Controller cluster VIP by using

    2. Navigate to Infrastructure > Cloud ResourcesService Engine Group.

    3. Select the configured NSX-T-<ID> cloud from the Select Cloud drop-down.

    4. Click on CREATE.

  2. Configure basic settings for the Service Engine Group.

    1. Specify the following to configure the Basic Settings of the Service Engine Group:





      Recommendation: Consider the use-case and location while naming

      High Availability Mode

      HA Mode

      Recommendation: Use Active/ Active HA Mode

      VS Placement across the Service Enginess


    2. Real Time Metrics table:



      Maximum Number of Service Engines

      Adjust according to scale requirements

      Memory per Service Engine

      Adjust according to scale requirements

      vCPU per Service Engine

      Adjust according to scale requirements

      Disk per Service Engine

      3x the Memory per the Service Engine (minimum 15GB)

      Memory Reserve


      CPU Reserve


      Real Time Metrics

      Checked and set time to 0 minimum

    3. Configure the appropriate Service Engine Capacity and Limit Settings based on 'How to size Service Engine(s)’.

  3. Configure advanced settings for the SE Group.

    1. Click on Advanced and specify the following information:



      SE Name Prefix


      Recommendation: string that will help identify VMs as the Service Engines. Additionally, use a prefix that helps identify the workloads that these Service Engines will be servicing, if applicable.

      Buffer SEs

      Change as required

      Minimum: 1, Maximum: 128

      Scale Per Virtual Service (Minimum)

      Change as required

      Minimum: 1, Maximum: 128

      Scale Per Virtual Service (Maximum)

      Change as required

      Minimum: 1, Maximum: 128

      Dedicated Dispatcher CPU

      Select if configured vCPU per Service Engine >= 4

  4. Configure scoping for the Service Engines for the Service Engine Group.

    1. Click on + Add vCenter to scope the Service Engine Group to a vCenter Server.

    2. Select thevCenter from the drop-down. All vCenter Server(s) configured in the Cloud Connector should be listed. This is a good way to isolate the Service Engines between VI workload domains.

    3. Configure the Placement Scope settings.



      Service Engine Folder

      vCenter VM Folder

      Recommendation: Select a vCenter folder to place all the Service Engines created by this SE Group.

      Host Scope Service Engine within

      Optional setting to include/ exclude ESXi Hosts on which Service Engines will be spawned.

      Data Store Scope for Service Engine Virtual Machine

      Select Shared → Include the shared storage configured for the VI workload domain.

    4. Click on Save.