You must verify the operational state of VMware Data Services Manager by deploying a test database and connect to it.

Expected Outcomes

  • The database managed by VMware Data Services Manager has a Ready status.
  • You can connect to the database using psql.


  1. Log in to the VMware Data Services Manager console at https://<your-host-fqdn-or-ip>/login as a Local user or as an LDAP user with the DSM Admin role.
  2. Select Databases > Create Database.
    The Create Database form appears.
  3. In the Basic Information pane, configure the following information and then click Next.
    Setting Value
    Database Engine Postgres
    Database Version 15.5+vmware.v2.0.0
    Instance Name Enter a name for the database.

    In this example, the database name is Test.

    Replica Mode Single vSphere Cluster
    Topology 3 (1 Primary, 1 Replica, 1 Monitor)
  4. In the Infrastructure pane, configure the following information and then click Next.
    Setting Value
    Infrastructure Policy Select the desired policy
    Select Placement Deselected.
    Storage Policy Select the desired policy.
    VM Class Select the desired VM class.
    Note: The VM class defines the compute and memory resources that are assigned to the databse nodes. This is different from the VM class used with Tanzu Kubernetes Grid.
    Disk Size 60
  5. In the Backup and Maintenance pane, configure backup details and then click Next.
    Setting Value
    Enable Backups Selected.
    Backup Location Select the location for the backups to be stored.
    Backup Retention Period Leave the default value of 30 days.
  6. In the Advanced Settings pane, do not enable the Database Options.
  7. Review your configuration in the Summary pane.
  8. Click Create Database.
  9. To monitor the creation process, click Databases and then click the information icon in the Status column.
    Wait for the status to change from InProgress to Ready.
  10. Click the database instance name and then click Copy Connection String to copy the string to the clipboard.
    The connection string can be used with psql or other tools to test connectivity. For example, in psql, the connection string has the following format:
  11. Test the connection to the database by running the following command in psql.
    psql -h <host-name> -p <port> -d <database-name> -p <password> -U <username> -W