You must verify that the newly-implemented infrastructure components are operational and functioning within expected parameters.

Verify the Status of the vSphere with Tanzu Service for Private AI Ready Infrastructure for VMware Cloud Foundation

Verify the operational state of the vSphere with Tanzu service on the VI workload domain vCenter Server by checking the state and health of the service.

Validate that the vSphere with Tanzu service is healthy by running the vmon-cli -s wcp command on the VI workload domain vCenter Server.

Expected Outcome

The vSphere with Tanzu service has a Started run state and a Healthy health state.


  1. Log in to the VI workload domain vCenter Server by using a Secure Shell (SSH) client with the root credentials.
  2. Enter a bash prompt by running the command.
  3. Verify that the vSphere with Tanzu service has a Started run state and a Healthy health state by running the command.
    vmon-cli -s wcp

What to do next

If you encounter issues while performing this procedure, use the following troubleshooting tips:

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Ensure that the VI workload domain vCenter Server is up and running.
  • Ensure that there is network connectivity between the Active Directory domain and the VI workload domain vCenter Server.
  • Ensure that there are no configuration issues with the vSphere with Tanzu service on the VI workload domain vCenter Server.

Verify the Status of the Harbor Supervisor Service for Private AI Ready Infrastructure for VMware Cloud Foundation

Verify that the Harbor Supervisor Service configured on the Supervisor of the VI workload domain vCenter Server is operational.

Validate that the Harbor Supervisor Service has an active status on the VI workload domain vCenter Server.

Expected Outcome

The Harbor Supervisor Service has an active status.


  1. Log in to the VI workload domain vCenter Server at https://<vi_workload_domain_vcenter_server_fqdn>/ui by using an account with Administrator privileges.
  2. From the vSphere Client Menu, select Workload Management.
  3. Click Services.
  4. On the Services tab, verify that the Harbor Service tile has an Active status.
  5. Within the Harbor Service tile, click Supervisors and verify that the associated Supervisor has a Configured status.

What to do next

If you encounter issues while performing this procedure, use the following troubleshooting tips:

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Ensure that the VI workload domain vCenter Server is up and running.
  • Ensure that the vSphere with Tanzu service is running on the VI workload domain vCenter Server.
  • Ensure that there are no configuration issues with the vSphere with Tanzu service on the VI workload domain vCenter Server.
  • Ensure that the Contour Supervisor Service is also running properly by performing the same steps above for Contour.

Verify the Status of the vSphere Namespace for Private Private AI Ready Infrastructure for VMware Cloud Foundation

Verify the operational state of the vSphere namespace for the vSphere with Tanzu service by checking the state and health of the namespace.

Validate that the Tanzu Kubernetes cluster is operational and capable of deploying workloads by checking its status on the vSphere namespace.

Expected Outcome

The Tanzu Kubernetes cluster has a Running configuration state and an Active Kubernetes status.


  1. Log in to the VI workload domain vCenter Server at https://<vi_workload_domain_vcenter_server_fqdn>/ui by using an account with Administrator privileges.
  2. Select Menu > Workload management.
  3. Click the Namespaces tab and click the Supervisor namespace.
  4. On the namespace page, click the Summary tab and verify that the namespace has a Running configuration status and an Active Kubernetes status.
  5. In the Link to CLI tools section, click Open and verify that you can open the Kubernetes CLI tools page.

What to do next

If you encounter issues while performing this procedure, use the following troubleshooting tips:

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Ensure that the VI workload domain vCenter Server is up and running.

  • Ensure that the vSphere with Tanzu service is running on the VI workload domain vCenter Server.

  • Ensure that there are no configuration issues with the vSphere with Tanzu service on the VI workload domain vCenter Server.

  • Ensure that the network settings of the vSphere with Tanzu workload domain is properly configured.

Verify the Status of the vSphere with Tanzu Resources for Private Private AI Ready Infrastructure for VMware Cloud Foundation

Verify the operational state of the vSphere with Tanzu resources by checking the state and health of the vSphere namespaces, Kubernetes nodes, and configuration parameters using kubectl.

Validate that the vSphere namespaces, Tanzu Kubernetes nodes, and cluster are healthy and that the necessary resources are allocated to the Supervisor.

Expected Outcome

  • All vSphere namespaces have a Running status.

  • All Kubernetes nodes have a Ready status.

  • The Kubernetes master and the KubeDNS have a Running status.

  • The Tanzu Kubernetes cluster has a Running phase status.


Install the vSphere kubectl plug-in to be able to connect to the Supervisor as a vCenter Single Sign-On user. See Download and Install the Kubernetes CLI Tools for vSphere.


  1. Log in to the Supervisor cluster as a vCenter Server Single Sign-On user by running the command in PowerShell or command prompt.
    kubectl vsphere login --server Supervisor_cluster_IP_address --vsphere-username Supervisor cluster administrator --insecure-skip-tls-verify
  2. Verify that the configured vSphere Namespaces have the Active status by running the command.
    kubectl get namespaces
  3. Verify that the configured Kubernetes nodes have a Ready status by running the command.
    kubectl get nodes
  4. Verify that the Kubernetes master and the KubeDNS have a Running status by running the command.
    kubectl cluster-info
  5. Verify that you get the expected configuration properties for the Tanzu Kubernetes cluster and that the phase has a Running status by running the command.
    kubectl get tanzukubernetesclusters

What to do next

If you encounter issues while performing this procedure, use the following troubleshooting tips:

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Ensure that the VI workload domain vCenter Server is up and running.

  • Ensure that the vSphere with Tanzu service is running on the VI workload domain vCenter Server.

  • Ensure that there are no configuration issues with the vSphere with Tanzu service on the VI workload domain vCenter Server.

  • Ensure that the network configuration of the vSphere with Tanzu workload domain is properly configured.