Verify that you can provision virtual machines by using VMware Aria Automation cloud templates in vCenter Server with the previously configured vSphere cloud account.

To ensure that VMware Aria Automation is integrated with the vSphere infrastructure, validate the successful virtual machine provisioning.

Expected Outcome

You can perform data collection on the vSphere cloud accounts and you can provision and destroy virtual machines in the vCenter Server instance mapped to the cloud account.


  1. Log in to the VMware Aria Automation cloud services console at https://<aria_automation_cluster_fqdn>/csp/gateway/portal as configadmin in the system domain.
  2. Verify the integration of VMware Aria Automation with the vSphere infrastructure.

    1. Under My services, click Assembler.

    2. Click the Infrastructure tab.

    3. In the left pane, select Connections > Cloud accounts.

    4. On the Cloud accounts page, in the card for a VI workload domain vCenter Server cloud account, click Open.

    5. Under Status, verify that the following components are active.

      • Data collection

      • Image synchronization

      • Available for deployment

      • Available for Kubernetes deployment (if configured)

  3. Repeat these steps for each of the remaining VI workload domain vCenter Server cloud accounts across the VMware Cloud Foundation instances.
  4. Request a testing deployment.

    1. Under My services, click Service Broker.

    2. In the left pane, select Catalog.

    3. In a cloud template card, click Request.

    4. On the New request page, configure the settings and click Submit.

  5. Verify that the testing deployment completes successfully.

    1. In the left pane, select Deployments > Deployments and click the card for the testing deployment.

    2. Click the History tab and click the Request details tab.

    3. Verify that the table shows the applied cloud template constraint tags.

    4. When the testing deployment completes, verify that the deployment card has the Create Successful tag.

  6. Verify that the virtual machine destroy operation is successful.

    1. In the left pane, select Deployments > Deployments and click the card for the testing deployment.

    2. From the Actions drop-down menu, select Delete.

    3. In the Delete dialog box, click Submit.

What to do next

If you encounter issues while performing this procedure, use the following troubleshooting tips.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Ensure that there is network connectivity between VMware Aria Automation and the VI workload domain vCenter Server instances.

  • Ensure that the credentials are used for each vCenter Server cloud account for VI workload domain vCenter Server instances.

  • Ensure that the vCenter Server cloud account data collection is successful.