If the virtual machines reside in the recovery VMware Cloud Foundation instance for an extended period of time, to activate day two operations, such as power on and power off of virtual machines managed by VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle, you must update the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle inventory to ensure that it synchronizes the new location of the virtual machines. To update the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle inventory with the new location of the failed over virtual machines, you perform an inventory sync for each environment.


Verify that the virtual machines for each product within an environment are powered on.


  1. Log in to VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle at https://<aria_suite_lifecycle_fqdn> as vcfadmin@local.
  2. On the My services page, click Lifecycle operations.
  3. In the navigation pane, click Environments.
  4. On the Environments page, in the globalenvironment card, click View details.
  5. On the VMware Identity Manager tab, click the horizontal ellipsis and select Trigger inventory sync.
  6. Monitor the inventory sync request in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.
  7. If the inventory sync fails when validating the vCenter Server details, click Retry, enter the FQDN of the vCenter Server instance where the virtual machines are currently running, and click Submit.

    If the SDDC Manager in the original protected VMware Cloud Foundation instance is unavailable, the vcfimportenvinventoryupdate stage of the inventory sync fails. This is an expected behavior.

  8. Repeat the procedure for each product in each environment.

What to do next

If the SDDC Manager in the original protected VMware Cloud Foundation instance is unavailable, when the SDDC Manager in the original protected VMware Cloud Foundation instance becomes available again, repeat the inventory sync procedure.