After the Enterprise SDDC or HCX bring-up is completed, you can validate the deployment with this POST request. A validation ID is returned, and you can then query the status using this ID.
- ♦ Send the following POST request to the server. The session ID is sent in the request header.
The API returns a validation ID.
Example: Body of the Request
{ "dataCenter": { "name": "MGMT_DC", "managementFolder": "MGMT_VMs", "workloadFolder": "Workload_VMs", "clusters": { "management": { "name": "MGMT_CLU" } } }, "vcSpec": { "credentialSpec": { "ssoPassword": "VMware123!", "ssoDomain": "vsphere.local" }, "managementNetwork": { "ip": "", "fqdn": "" } }, "nsxSpec": { "nsxManagerCredentialSpec": { "cliPassword": "NSRRocks123!" }, "nsxManager1": { "managementNetwork": { "ip": "" } }, "nsxManager2": { "managementNetwork": { "ip": "" } }, "nsxManager3": { "managementNetwork": { "ip": "" } }, "virtualIP": "", "nsxEdgeSpec": { "edgeCluster": "NSX_EDGE_CLUSTER", "edgeNode1": { "credentialSpec": { "cliPassword": "NSRRocks123!" }, "managementNetwork": { "ip": "", "fqdn": "edge1.lab.vmw" }, "nodeSwitch": { "nvds1": { "switchName": "NVDS-1", "virtualNic": { "uplinkName": "uplink-1", "deviceName": "fp-eth0" } }, "nvds2": { "switchName": "NVDS-2", "virtualNic": { "uplinkName": "uplink-1", "deviceName": "fp-eth1" } }, "nvds3": { "switchName": "NVDS-3", "virtualNic": { "uplinkName": "uplink-1", "deviceName": "fp-eth2" } } } }, "edgeNode2": { "credentialSpec": { "cliPassword": "NSRRocks123!" }, "managementNetwork": { "ip": "", "fqdn": "edge2.lab.vmw" }, "nodeSwitch": { "nvds1": { "switchName": "NVDS-1", "virtualNic": { "uplinkName": "uplink-1", "deviceName": "fp-eth0" } }, "nvds2": { "switchName": "NVDS-2", "virtualNic": { "uplinkName": "uplink-1", "deviceName": "fp-eth1" } }, "nvds3": { "switchName": "NVDS-3", "virtualNic": { "uplinkName": "uplink-1", "deviceName": "fp-eth2" } } } } }, "uplinkProfileSpec": { "nsxEdgeOverlayUplinkProfile": { "displayName": "nsx-edge-overlay-uplink-profile" }, "nsxEdgeUplinkProfile": { "displayName": "nsx-edge-uplink-profile" }, "hostUplinkProfile": { "displayName": "host-uplink-profile", "namedTeamings": [{ "name": "Edge_Transport" }, { "name": "Uplink1_Only" }, { "name": "Uplink2_Only" } ] } }, "ipPoolSpec": { "sddcIpPool": { "displayName": "SDDC_ESX_TEP_IP_POOL_GENEVE2", "start": "", "end": "" }, "sddcEdgeIpPool": { "displayName": "SDDC_EDGE_TEP_IP_POOL_GENEVE2", "start": "", "end": "" } }, "nsxTransportZones": { "edgeUplink1TransportZone": { "displayName": "SDDC_EDGE_UPLINK1_TZONE" }, "edgeUplink2TransportZone": { "displayName": "SDDC_EDGE_UPLINK2_TZONE" }, "vlanTransportZone": { "hostSwitchName": "NVDS-1", "displayName": "SDDC_VLAN_TZONE" }, "overlayTransportZone": { "displayName": "SDDC_OVERLAY_TZONE" } }, "logicalSwitchSpec": { "edgeOverlay": { "displayName": "EDGE_OVERLAY" }, "edgeUplink1": { "displayName": "EDGE_UPLINK1" }, "edgeUplink2": { "displayName": "EDGE_UPLINK2" } }, "routerSpec": { "tierZeroGateway": { "name": "T0" }, "tierOneGateway": { "name": "CGW" } }, "licenseKey": "" }, "portGrpSpecs": { "vmMgmt": { "type": "VM_MGMT", "vlan": 0 }, "vsan": { "type": "VSAN", "vlan": 0 }, "nsxTransport": { "type": "TRANSPORT_PG", "vlan": 0 }, "vmotion": { "type": "VMOTION_PG", "vlan": 0 }, "esxMgmt": { "type": "ESXi_MGMT", "vlan": 0 }, "hcxUplink": { "type": "HCX_UPLINK", "vlan": 0 }, "nfs": { "type": "NFS", "vlan": 0 } }, "components": { "vcenter": { "build": "13950066", "version": "" }, "nsxt": { "build": "13952734", "version": "" }, "esxi": { "build": "13962079", "version": "6.7.0-1.39" } }, "resourcePools": { "managementResourcePool": "MGMT-ResourcePool", "workloadResourcePool": "Compute-ResourcePool" }, "hcxSpec": { "hcxCloudSpec": { "mgrIp": "", "mgrCliPassword": "Skoda1!", "networkProfiles": { "mgmtNetworkProfile": { "name": "MGMTNetworkProfile" }, "vMotionNetworkProfile": { "name": "vMotionNetworkProfile" }, "externalNetworkProfile": { "name": "ExternalNetworkProfile" } }, "computeProfile": { "name": "sample" } } } }