For a customer deployment to use Cloud Web Security, the following conditions need to be met:
- A customer Enterprise must be hosted by a VMware Cloud Orchestrator using Release 4.5.0 or later. The Orchestrator version may be viewed at the bottom of any browser page.
- The Orchestrator must always have internet connectivity.
- A VMware SD-WAN Edge is not required to use Cloud Web Security when using Web Proxy. However, if using Cloud Web Security through an Edge, the Edge must use release 4.5.0 or later.
- The customer deployment must be using a SD-WAN Gateway Pool that includes at least one VMware SD-WAN Gateway using Release 4.5.0 or later. This information is viewable by an Operator or Partner User. A Customer would need to confirm this their supporting Partner or, lacking one, a Technical Support Engineer.
- The SD-WAN Gateway must also be configured to have a Cloud Web Security Role. For steps, see Configuring a SD-WAN Gateway for a Cloud Web Security Role.