This section provides information regarding the fields exported for Web Security and DLP logs using the Log Export feature for Cloud Web Security.

This section is divided into two sections with tables for Web Logs and for DLP Logs that are exported using Log Export.

Web Security Log Fields

This table includes the log fields when Log Export is configured to export Web Security logs.

Table 1. Web Security Log Fields
Parameter Description Example
browser_and_version The client browser and its version. Non-browser returns a response of undefined_undefined. Chrome_65
cached Indicates whether the resource was obtained from the isolated browser’s cache (True) or by downloading from the origin server (False). True
casb_app_name Summary of the log source group’s function or its contents. DropBox
casb_cat_name Cloud application name (for CASB events). Cloud File Sharing
casb_fun_name Application category ID. upload
casb_org_name Application function name. Dropbox Inc.
casb_profile_id Cloud Web Security CASB profile ID. e47cecae-721f…
casb_profile_name Cloud Web Security CASB profile name attached to application or exception rule. upload block
casb_profile_type Cloud Web Security CASB profile type (sanctioned/unsanctioned/unclassified). unclassified
casb_risk_score Cloud Web Security risk score for application (0-10). 3
categories Category Rules Category type classification (e.g., General, Education, Download Sites, etc.). Education
content-type Page type. text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
domain Domain part of the URL.
dst Destination IP that proxy DNS lookup resolved to (may sometimes be a list of IP addresses).
egress_country Egress IP country (isolation instance). US
egress_ip IP address for outbound flow (typically from a private network to the Internet).
event_time The access initiate date and time. 2018-04-10T21:00:40.548000
filename The filename of the file being uploaded or downloaded. NA
file_size The size (in bytes) of a file in a file upload/download event. NA
full_session_id Unique ID for a page load (used as a correlation ID for other events: uploads/downloads/etc.). KbJQIDPS-1
hashes pagingIdentifier object hashes used to find and delete duplicate data from duplicate log fetch api calls.
has_password Presence of password in form POST request. false
is_iframe Is inline frame (iframe) element (true/false). true
name Request type. page request
next_time Log pagination uses this field as the start time for query. If no time is present, the original start and end time is used.
origin_country Country of actual IP address of the destination server (origin_ip). FR
origin_ip Actual IP address of the destination server.
pagingIdentifiers Identifier used for log pagination if needed to download all log entries (i.e., the request returned more than 1000 records).
pe_action The Cloud Web Security action taken for the session (Isolate, Allow, Block, or Direct). Direct actions are external application links that a user may click to launch through their web browser (e.g., anchor links, javascript navigations and mailto links). isolate
pe_reason Web policy rule ID responsible for the Cloud Web Security action. This can be empty for some cases. 6c6ea27d-5350
product The Cloud Web Security product. CWS
protocol The protocol used for the session (http or https). http
referer Page request referer address.
region AWS region and availability zone. us-west-1b
request_type The method type for the request (GET, PUT, POST, etc.). GET
response_code HTTP response status code. 200
risk_score Risk calculated for URL. low
risk_tally Cout of risks encountered. 4
sbox Sandbox Inspection Result Infected
sbox_mal_act List of malicious activities found
  • Signature:EICAR test file detection.
  • Signature:Triggers malware detections by Sophos Anti-Virus.
  • Suspicious:An executable with low reputation
severity The severity level for the session. This is currently fixed at 5. 5
sha256 SHA256 hash of this file or document or text. This provides a cryptographically unique identifier. fd1aee67...
soph Full file scan result. Clean (Sandbox Required)
soph_dlp_ref DLP log link. NA
tab_id Tab creation number within a surrogate (used to track how an individual tab is navigated by a user). 1
threats Threat type identified by Cloud Web Security internal data (what the Risks field is set to). cats_Phishing&Fraud
threat_types Top level risk. Phishing
timestamp Start time of the requesting log. This is internal to the log database. 2023-04-10T21:00:02.599Z
top_url Top level URL (in case of iframe).
ua_type The type of user agent (supported/unsupported/non browser). supported_browser
url The Destination URL
user-agent The software (software agent) acting on behalf of a user (commonly a web browser). Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36
userid The User ID for the log (in Anonymous mode, this is anon-xxx). [email protected]
vendor The product vendor name (Cloud Web Security). Cloud Web Security
version The Cloud Web Security product version. 1.16.0
virus_details Virus detail. EICAR-NOT-A-VIRUS
x-client-country Country for IP request from user. US
x-client-ip Source IP.

DLP Log Fields

This table includes the log fields when Log Export is configured to export DLP logs.

Table 2. DLP Log Fields
Parameter Description Example
action Action taken for session (block or log). block
alerted Whether or not an email alert was sent to a DLP Auditor profile. false
categories Category Rules Category type classification (e.g., General, Education, Download Sites, etc.). Download Sites
ccl_ids Name of DLP dictionary that was violated. If there are multiple violations, this will be an array of strings. Credit...
ccl_match_counts Number of matches of the string that caused the violation. If there are multiple violations, this will be an array of match counts in the same order as the list of dictionaries from ccl_ids field. 1
ccl_scores DLP score from the dictionary that caused the violation. If there are multiple violations, this will be an array of DLP scores in the same order as the list of dictionaries from ccl_ids field. 1
domain Domain part of the URL.
dst_url Destination URL.
event_id Unique identifier for the DLP request (corresponds to the file_id in web log if this is a file upload). a4c216…
event_time The access initiate date and time. 2023-03-09T17:16:22.227000
filename The name of the file that triggered the DLP violation (for file uploads). credit_cards.csv
file_type Type of file that triggered the DLP violation. CSV
hashes pagingIdentifier object hashes used to find and delete duplicate data from duplicate log fetch api calls.
name Request type. file_upload
next_time Log pagination uses this field as the start time for query. If no time is present, the original start and end time is used.
pagingIdentifiers Identifier used for log pagination if needed to download all log entries (i.e., the request returned more than 1000 records).
product The Cloud Web Security Product. CWS
protocol The protocol used for the session (http or https). http
request_type The method type for the request (GET, PUT, POST, etc.). POST
rule_id DLP policy rule identifier responsible for the action taken. 1f3ef32…
rule_name Name of the DLP policy rule that was violated. Credit card block rule
severity The severity level for the session. This is currently fixed at 5. 5
sha256 SHA256 hash of this file or document or text. This provides a cryptographically unique identifier. fd1aee67…
src_url Source URL.
status Result from the DLP engine (currently fixed at dirty). dirty
stream_name Internal name used for the file (usually working_file) or text stream (uid). 1a856c756fea
timestamp Start time of the requesting log. This is internal to the log database. 2023-03-09T17:16:22.227Z
userid User ID for the log (in Anonymous mode, this is anon-xxx). [email protected]
user_input Whether or not this event was generated as a result of user form input. false
vendor The product vendor name (Cloud Web Security) Cloud Web Security
version The Cloud Web Security product version. 1.16.0