Cloud automation is primarily accomplished by interacting with one or more REST API endpoints. An API, or application programming interface, is a documented interface to interact with software. REST APIs are exposed via a web server and use the same HTTP concepts as a web browser. Virtually every operation in the cloud results from a REST API call, from creating accounts to provisioning infrastructure. Using code to interact with an API allows organizations to quickly provision complex, repeatable infrastructure in the cloud.

There are several benefits to embracing automation:

  • Elimination of human error – Using automation eliminates the chance of a mistake on the part of an operator/administrator when performing a task

  • Repeatability and consistency – Automating a laborious or complex task makes it easy to repeat and ensures the result will always be the same

  • Reduced toil – By automating manual, time-consuming operational tasks, employees have time to provide value to the business instead of wasting time on undifferentiated heavy lifting

  • Speed – Automation is faster than manually provisioning infrastructure in the cloud

  • Compliance – Organizations can use automation workflows to ensure security requirements and other best practices are always configured as expected