Applications can often be moved in their entirety to the cloud to achieve business objectives like moving to an OpEx (Operating Expenditure) model and speed cloud adoption.
An application can further warrant investment in different architectures once in the cloud to further gain application functionality like application-level availability and redundancy. A large application with several functions in its architecture will often require careful planning and transition plans to minimize disruptions. The application components could be separated and transitioned one by one. As the transition occurs over time, an application will be in a state of transition.
For other applications, a portion of the service may be transitioned while maintaining the remainder in its current form. For example, if an application has a database component and an organization has plans to migrate the database component to a different architecture where they are taking advantage of native cloud database services or licensing benefits. This split application architecture may be the final design to minimize service disruptions, maximize cloud benefits, and maximize database features.
Thus, an applications actual modernization journey may continue in a progressive fashion in the modernization continuum.