Successful digital transformation journeys are built on the foundations of modern infrastructure paradigms such as virtualization, cloud computing, containers, serverless infrastructure, and innovations like artificial intelligence (AI)/ML technologies.

Cloud and virtualization technologies have served as the bedrock on which organizations of all sizes have modernized their datacentre environments. By virtualizing compute, storage, and networks, organizations can transform to modern software-defined datacentres that employ a cloud operating model for better agility, flexibility, utilization, and scalability

The goal of cloud computing, and the virtualization that underpins it, is about minimizing the energy and carbon associated with running workloads. And with that adding to sustainability goals that enterprises have nowadays.

The goal of this subject is how the VMware Cloud Well-Architected Framework can help as a solution to become more sustainable. The following section outline strategies that can help to achieve the reduction of energy and carbon associated with running workloads on top of the platform.