The following checklist highlights the tasks you need to complete to onboard onto VMware Cloud on AWS GovCloud.


  1. Read your Welcome email.
    The service welcome email is titled "Welcome to VMware Cloud on AWS GovCloud". If you can't find it, check your spam message or corporate spam filter. The email contains information on completing the onboarding process.
  2. To learn more about Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG), see Security Technical Implementation Guide Configuration (STIG). If your SDDC requires STIG configuration then contact Federal GSS to open a ticket on your behalf. STIG’s must be applied PRIOR to any user SDDC configurations or addition of workloads.
  3. Fill out the Getting Started form.
    A VMware representative will contact you soon after you receive your Welcome email. You will be asked to provide the following information:
    • Customer Account Information
    • Organization Name
    • Name and email address of the Organization Owner
    • Names and email addresses of organization members. Provide the names and email addresses upto 4 Administrative users who will perform the initial configuration of your SDDC and configure identity federation to enable other users to access your org.
    • User Account Creation
    We recommend saving VMware Cloud on AWS GovCloud Service Status Page and subscribe to service availability updates.
  4. Update your My VMware account.
    1. To log in to My VMware, go to
    2. For more information on updating your My VMware profile, see
  5. Create an AWS GovCloud account.
    Your AWS GovCloud account is required to link your VMware Cloud on AWS GovCloud SDDC and enables you to leverage native AWS services. To obtain an AWS GovCloud account, you must be an individual or entity that qualifies as a U.S. Person under applicable regulations. For more information, see
  6. To learn and understand the service offerings provided by VMware Cloud on AWS GovCloud, see Service Description VMware Cloud on AWS GovCloud.
  7. Bookmark the VMware Cloud on AWS GovCloud service status page at: Optionally, you can subscribe to receive updates.