To create an SDDC Group, give the group a name and description, then select SDDCs from your organization to be members.


You must be logged into the VMC console as a user with a VMC service role of Administrator or Administrator (Delete Restricted).


  1. Log in to the VMware Cloud Console at
  2. On the Inventory page, click SDDC Groups.
  3. On the SDDC Groups tab, click ACTIONS and select Create SDDC Group.
    Give the group a Name and optional Description, then click NEXT. You can edit the group later to change these values.
  4. On the Membership grid, select the SDDCs to include as group members.
    The grid displays a list of all SDDCs in your organization. To qualify for membership in the group, an SDDC must meet several criteria:
    • Its management network CIDR block cannot overlap the management CIDR block of any other group member.
    • It cannot be a member of another SDDC Group.
    When you have finished selecting members, click NEXT. You can edit the group later to add or remove members.
  5. Acknowledge that you understand and take responsibility for the costs you incur when you create an SDDC group, then click CREATE GROUP to create the SDDC Group and its VMware Transit Connect network.
    Charges begin when you click CREATE GROUP. You cannot pause or cancel the process after it starts. Group members won't be able to use the group's VMware Transit Connect network until deployment is complete. Deployment typically takes about fifteen minutes. When deployment is complete, the group's Connectivity Status changes from PENDING to CONNECTED
  6. (Optional) To modify the group name and description or to add or remove group members, click ACTIONS and select Edit Group.
    You cannot edit the group while its Connectivity Status is PENDING.

What to do next

To view the routes learned and advertised by SDDCs, VPCs, and TGW/DGW instances in the group, click the Routing tab. Select External in the drop-down control to view routes used by external endpoints like VPCs or Direct Connect Gateways. Select Members to view routes used by member SDDCs.

To enable network traffic between workloads in member SDDCs, you'll need to create a set of compute gateway firewall rules in each member. See Add Compute Gateway Firewall Rules to Enable SDDC Group Member Workload Connectivity for details. You'll need to do this for each new member you add to the group.