While creating your SDDC and connecting a VPC and subnet to connect to in your AWS account, you are unable to select a subnet.


While deploying an SDDC, there is a step in which you select a VPC and subnet in your AWS account to connect to your SDDC. You might be unable to select a subnet during this step. A message in the UI indicates that there are no eligible subnets in the AWS availability zone (AZ) and region where the SDDC will be created.


You must select a subnet created in the availability zone (AZ) where you plan to deploy your SDDC. If you have created only a single subnet and it's not in an AZ that supports VMware Cloud on AWS, you'll see this message.


  1. Follow the recommendation in Deploying and Managing a Software-Defined Data Center to create a subnet in every AZ in the AWS Region where the SDDC will be created.
  2. Re-try the subnet selection step in Deploy an SDDC from the VMC Console.