You can request public IP addresses to assign to workload VMs to allow access to these VMs from the Internet. VMware Cloud on AWS provisions the IP address from AWS.

As a best practice, release the public IP addresses that are not in use.


Verify that your VM has a static IP address assigned from its logical network.


  1. Log in to VMware Cloud Services at
  2. Click Inventory > SDDCs, then pick an SDDC card and click VIEW DETAILS.
  3. Click OPEN NSX MANAGER and log in with the NSX Manager Admin User Account shown on the SDDC Settings page. See SDDC Network Administration with NSX Manager.
    You can also use the VMware Cloud Console Networking & Security tab for this workflow.
  4. Open the Public IPs page.
  5. To request a new public IP address, click REQUEST NEW IP.
    You can optionally enter your notes about the request.
  6. To release a public IP address that you no longer need, click Actions menu and select Release IP.
    Requests to release a public IP fail if the address is in use by a NAT rule.
  7. Click SAVE.
    After a few moments, a new public IP address is provisioned.

What to do next

After the public IP address is provisioned, Create or Modify NAT Rules to direct traffic from the public IP address to the internal IP address of a workload VM.