This section describes how to obtain the best performance from the VMware vSphere Client.

The vSphere Client can be used to control and configure vCenter Servers and virtual machines.

The vSphere Client back end, called the vSphere Client Server, is a Java application; in VMware Cloud on AWS this is managed by VMware. The vSphere Client front end, called simply the vSphere Client, is an HTML5-based client running in a web browser pointed to the Java-based Application Server.

  • For the best vSphere Client performance, make sure the user’s system has sufficient CPU resources (we recommend at least two CPU cores; the faster the better) and memory (as an example, for client systems running Windows we recommend at least 4GB of RAM).

  • Large network latencies can significantly reduce vSphere Client performance. For the best performance, the network latencies between the vSphere Client running on the user’s system and the vSphere Client back end should be under 30ms.


    When it’s not possible to establish a low-latency connection, an alternate option would be to place a virtual or physical system near the vSphere Client back-end (such that the system has a low-latency connection to the back-end), and run the vSphere Client front-end on that system, remotely accessing it from the more distant location using a remote protocol such as RDP.

  • Using a 64-bit browser to view the vSphere Client allows the allocation of more memory, potentially improving performance.

  • When possible, use the search function instead of navigating to managed objects. The vSphere Client is designed for the use of inventory search to find managed objects (clusters, hosts, virtual machines, datastores, tags, and so on). Though you can access managed objects through the inventory tree or inventory list views, the inventory search function will typically provide better performance than navigating among these objects.