The Global Configuration page includes controls that allow you to view traffic statistics and manage Maximum Transmissible Unit (MTU) and Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (URPF) settings for SDDC network uplinks.

In the default configuration:
  • The MTU for the Services uplink is set to 8900 bytes. The MTU for other uplinks is set to 1500 bytes.
  • URPF is applied in Strict mode and packets are forwarded to SDDC uplinks only if they are received on the interface that provides the best reverse path to the source of the packet. Packets that do not meet this criterion are dropped.
You can edit these settings on the Global Configuration page


  1. With CloudAdmin privileges, log in to NSX Manager.
  2. Open the Global Configuration page.
    This page shows the MTU and URPF settings for each of the SDDC uplinks. Each uplink also has a VIEW STATISTICS button that you can click to see traffic statistics for the uplink.
    1. Manage MTU and URPF settings.
      To change the MTU setting for an uplink, click EDIT and enter a new value. URPF Strict mode, as defined by RFC3704, is required for the Internet Uplink. To change the URPF setting for another uplink, click EDIT and choose one of the following values.
      Strict Apply URPF to this uplink in Strict mode.
      None Do not apply URPF to this uplink.
      Click SAVE to apply your changes.
    2. Click VIEW STATISTICS see traffic statics for the uplink.
      Statistics collected for each uplink include data (in KB), total packets, and dropped packets. Click the Refresh icon refresh icon to update statistics.