VMware Cloud Services Console uses the collected data from the registered vCloud Usage Meter instances to generate two types of reports - Hourly Usage Report (HUR) and Virtual Machine History Report (VMH).

Cloud Service Providers review the reports for data accuracy and Broadcom billing validation. Cloud Service Providers can also use the reports to plan additional commit contract needs or potential add-on upsell for end customers.

Hourly Usage Report

The Hourly Usage Report (HUR) provides information about the products used throughout the month on an hourly basis by license key. Broadcom's Global Technology Organization (GTO) receives the same license key usage data and perfoms the hourly overage calculation.

Attribute of the report Description
Product The product associated with the license key. The attribute's value is VMware Cloud Foundation.
SKU Unique identifier of the metered product. The attribute's value is VCF-CLD-FDN-5.
Usage Hour The start time of the vCloud Usage Meter collection. For example, 2024-06-17 5:00:00 indicates that vCloud Usage Meter collected usage between 5 am and 6 am.
License Key The licence key for the metered product. Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) licenses appear in the form of xxxxxxxxxx. If the license key is not visible in the report (hidden behind #), assign the proper permissions to the registered vCenter Server instance. For more information, see Assign Permissions for vCenter Server for Metering with vCloud Usage Meter.
Quantity The quantity linked to the license key for the usage period.
Unit of Measurement The unit of measurement for the collected usage.

Virtual Machine History Report (VMH)

The Virtual Machine History Report (VMH) provides information on the individual memory usage for each powered on virtual machine associated with a vCenter Server instance that reports data to vCloud Usage Meter.
Attribute of the report Description
vCenter Server attributes
vcId An identifier that serves as a link between the vCloud Usage Meter instance and the vCenter Server instance associated with the metered product. For registered vCenter Server instances, the attribute value is always the same as the productId value.
Virtual machine attributes
instanceUuid A unique identifier of the virtual machine as in vCenter Server. The same value as the summary.config.instanceUuid attribute in vCenter Server.
moref A unique string that identifies the virtual machine associated with a vCenter Server instance.
name The anonymized name of the virtual machine. The same value as the summary.config.name attribute in vCenter Server.
guestName The anonymized guest operation system name. The same value as the summary.config.guestFullName attribute in vCenter Server.
numCpu Number of CPUs configured on the virtual machine. The same value as the config.hardware.numCPU attribute in vCenter Server.
memoryMB The used memory for the virtual machine. The same value as the config.hardware.memoryMB attribute in vCenter Server.
memoryReservation The allocated memory for the virtual machine. The same value as the summary.config.memoryReservation attribute in vCenter Server.
powerState The power state of the virtual machine. vCloud Usage Meter only meters data when the state is POWERED_ON.
startTime Virtual machine usage period start date and time. Based on the time when virtual machine becomes in power on state.
endTime Virtual machine usage period end date and time. Based on the time when the virtual machine is no longer in powered on state.
clusterMoref A string that identifies the parent cluster where the host is running.
label Customer label associated with the virtual machine.
duration Reporting period in days and hours.
billableMemory The billable memory based on the memorySizeMB and memoryReservation attributes.
MBHours Billable MB hours. Calculated by multiplying the MB by the hours during which vCloud Usage Meter collects data .
Host attributes
hostMoref A unique string that identifies the host associated with a vCenter Server instance.
hostName The anonymized name of the host associated with the virtual machine.
hostNumCpuCores Number of CPU cores in the host. The same value as the hardware.cpuInfo.numCpuCores attribute in vCenter Server.
hostNumCpuPackage Number of CPU packages in the host. The same value as the hardware.cpuInfo.numCpuPackages attribute in vCenter Server.
hostBillableCores The number of billable cores (according to the Cloud Services Provider's billing logic) from the host based on the hostNumCpuCores and hostNumCpuPackages attributes.
hostLicenseKey The license key of the ESXi host.
hostLabel The label assigned to the host in vCenter Server.

How do I download reports from VMware Cloud Services Console

As a Cloud Services Provider, you can download the reports generated for each vCloud Usage Meter instance.


  1. Navigate to Billing & Subscriptions > Usage Management > Reports.
  2. Select the reporting month and the vCloud Usage Meter instance for which you want to download reports for.
  3. From Reports, select which reports you want to download.