You can manage your access to VMware Cloud services directly from the service cards in the VMware Cloud services catalog. The actions you can take in respect to any given service depends upon your role in the Organization and the type of service you want to access. Different actions are available for free, trial, and paid services.

Organization Member Actions

If you have access to... and the service is... the action you can take is... the result from this action is...
to the service free, active trial, or paid Launch Service service launches in the Cloud Services Console
free, active trial, or paid with one or more service instances Launch Service with a tooltip if there is one service instance selected service instance launches in the Cloud Services Console
Launch Service with a drop-down menu if there are multiple instances for the service
to the Organization, but not to the service free, active trial, or paid Request Role you are prompted to request a role for the service
no access to the service and the service is not in your Organization free, active trial, or paid Access you are prompted to onboard the service
Learn More launches the service details page
expired trial Learn More opens service details or purchase information page

Organization Owner Actions

If you have access to... and the service is... the action you can take is... the result from this action is...
to the service free or paid Launch Service service launches in the Cloud Services Console
active trial Launch Service service launches in the Cloud Services Console
View Trial Details from the ellipses icon (Horizontal Ellipses Icon) opens service trial details page
Purchase Service from the ellipses icon (Horizontal Ellipses Icon) opens page with purchase information
to the Organization, but not to the service free, active trial, or paid Access you are prompted to gain access to the service by editing your roles
Learn More launches the service details page
have no access to the service and the service is not in your Oganization free, paid, or paid with trial Access you are prompted to onboard the service
expired trial

Depending on the Organization setup, one of four actions is displayed.

Purchase Service opens page with purchase information
Confirm Payment Method opens the Confirm Payment Method page in the Cloud Services Console
Add Payment Method opens the Payment Information page in the Cloud Services Consoleand prompts you to add payment method details for your Organization