In this example, you verify that you own the public domains for ACME enterprise that you are going to federate as an Enterprise Administrator.

In this step, you are going to enter the public domain and subdomain names that you want to federate. When you first access the federation setup in the ACME Management Organization, the federation setup defaults to the top-level domain from the email that you used to log in to VMware Cloud services. If ACME employees access VMware Cloud services from any other domain or subdomain, you must enter and verify all these domains for federation with VMware Cloud services.


  • Verify that you are logged in to the ACME Management Organization as an Enterprise Administrator.
  • Verify that you can access the host admin console of
  • Verify that you have permissions to modify the DNS records of


  1. In the Verify Domains step of the workflow, click Start.
  2. In the Domains text box that opens, enter
  3. Click Next.
    A .txt code is generated for the domain and displays in the Add TXT records section of the Verify domains step.
  4. In the self-service federation workflow, navigate to Verify domains > Add TXT records.
  5. Copy the code that appears next to the domain name.
    This long code is made up from letters, numbers, and symbols which you need when you open the domain's host admin console. If you are switching devices to finish the next step, make sure that you paste and save the code in a text file, so that you have it handy as you modify the DNS records for your domain.
  6. Open the host admin console for
    1. In the host admin console, navigate to the DNS records page.
    2. Add a new TXT type record to the DNS records and enter the value you copied.
      Note: If your DNS records already contain any other VMware TXT records, do not alter them.
  7. Go back to the Verify Domains > Add TXT records step in the self-service federation workflow and click Next.
    The Verify domains section of the workflow expands and prompts you to submit your domain for verification.
  8. Click Verify.

What to do next

You modified the DNS records of your enterprise domain and submitted it for verification with VMware Cloud Services. It might take up to 72 hours for the DNS text record change to take effect. You can proceed with the self-service federation workflow after the status of the domain you submitted for federation changes to Verified.