To retrieve the workload information, you can use data collector tools like vRealize Operations, vCenter Server, RVTools, and LiveOptics. This section helps you to understand how to map the collector fields against the processing fields of VMC Sizer.
Table 1. LiveOptics Tools
Sizer LiveOptics Field Name
name VMs → VMName
vmstate VMs → IsRunning
totalDisk VMs → Virtual Disk Size (MB) / Virtual Disk Size (MiB)
usedDisk VMs → Virtual Disk Used (MB) / Virtual Disk Size (MiB)
vCpu VMs → Virtual CPU
vCpuCores ESX-Hosts/ESX Hosts/ Hypervisors → CPU Cores
vRam VMs → Provisioned Memory (Bytes) / Provisioned Memory (MiB)
ramOverhead NA
ramConsumed VMs → Used Memory (active) (Bytes) / Used Memory (active) (MiB)
readIOPS VM Performance → Avg Read IOPS
writeIOPS VM Performance → Avg Write IOPS
peakReadIOPS VM Performance → Peak Read IOPS
peakWriteIOPS VM Performance → Peak Write IOPS
readThroughput VM Performance → Avg Read MB/s
writeThroughput VM Performance → Avg Write MB/s
peakReadThroughput VM Performance → Peak Read MB/s
peakWriteThroughput VM Performance → Peak Write MB/s
Table 2. RVTools
Sizer RVTools Field Name
name vInfo → VM
vmstate vInfo → Powerstate
totalCores vHost → Cores
totalDisk / totalDiskInMiB vDisk -> Capacity MiB/ Capacity MB
totalDiskvInfo/totalDiskInMiBvInfo vInfo→Provisioned MB/ Provisioned MiB
Note: In case Capacity MiB/ Capacity MB column is not present in vDisk tab, data is fetched from vInfo tab.
usedDisk/usedDiskInMiB vPartition → Consumed MiB/ Consumed MB
usedDiskvInfo/usedDiskInMiBvInfo vInfo→In Use MB/ In Use MiB

In case Consumed MiB/ Consumed MB column is not present in vPartition tab, data is fetched from vInfo tab.

vCpu vInfo → CPUs
vCPU/core vCPU/TotalCores
vRam / vRamInMiB vMemory → Size MB / Size MiB
ramConsumed/ramConsumedInMiB vMemory→Consumed/Consumed MiB
ramOverhead vMemory → Overhead
Table 3. Aria Operations
Sizer AriaOperations Field Name
vmId vmid
vmName VMName
vmState VMState
vmGroupId vmGroupId
importedFileName importedFileName
vmComputeInfo VMComputeInfo
vCpu vCPU
utilizationRatio utilizationRatio
Note: The Utilization Ratio is used for both vCpu and vRam.
vmMemoryInfo vmMemoryInfo
vRam vram
vmStorageInfo vmStorageInfo
vmdkTotal vmdkTotal
vmdkUsed vmdkUsed
peakReadIOPs ReadIOPSPeak
peakWriteIOPs WriteIOPSPeak
readIOPS ReadIOPSAvg
writeIOPS WriteIOPSAvg
readThroughput ReadThroughputAvg
writeThroughput WriteThroughputAvg
peakReadThroughput ReadThroughputPeak
peakWriteThroughput WriteThroughputPeak