Before installing VMware Container Networking with Antrea on OpenShift, note the information below and perform the prerequisite tasks.

  • You can install OpenShift on a VM in vSphere or on a physical server.
  • The installation instruction to install on vSphere is at
  • When installing the OpenShift cluster, select Antrea as the CNI. After the cluster is installed, the CNI cannot be changed. This is a Redhat limitation.
  • Go to, search for "VMware Container Networking with Antrea" and select "VMware Antrea 1.x Product Binaries". Download the following:
    • VMware Container Networking with Antrea (Advanced) – UBI image
    • VMware Container Networking with Antrea, K8s Operator Image
    • VMware Container Networking with Antrea, K8s Operator Manifests
  • For the installation, you will need the Antrea container image and the Antrea Kubernetes Operator container image. These images can be made available in a Container Registry.
  • OpenShift node VMs can be connected to vSphere VDS or N-VDS (NSX-managed VDS).
  • A DHCP server is needed to provide IP addresses to the controller and worker nodes.
  • You must configure two DNS entries for the OpenShift cluster. Details are in the OpenShift documentation. They are for the parameters apiVIP and ingressVIP. These parameters are in the install-config.yaml file mentioned below.