VMware Container Networking with Antrea is an implementation of the open source Project Antrea CNI, that is provided and fully supported by VMware.

VMware Container Networking with Antrea depends on and packages components from Project Antrea. The open source project has a more frequent release cadence than VMware Container Networking with Antrea and strives to quickly evolve and introduce new features, platforms and deployment scenarios. As some features are maturing, they may be exposed in an alpha or beta readiness state and will not be officially supported in VMware Container Networking with Antrea until sufficient function, scale, and stability testing have been completed.

Access the VMware Container Networking with Antrea Documentation

The officially supported feature set and deployment scenarios in VMware Container Networking with Antrea consist of a subset of the open source Project Antrea features and additional VMware product integrations and commercial capabilities. The supported features, versions, and integrations are listed in the VMware Container Networking with Antrea release notes. The release notes for all versions of VMware Container Networking with Antrea are accessible from the main navigation of this page.

The version number for VMware Container Networking with Antrea is composed of the VMware and Open Source versions separated by a dash. For example, for the Antrea v1.3.0-1.2.2 release, this represents the VMware release v1.3.0, which is based on open source release v1.2.2.

For additional feature documentation, see the Antrea Docs.

Learn More About VMware Container Networking with Antrea

For more information about VMware Container Networking with Antrea, visit the Container Networking with Antrea product page on vmware.com. You can also watch videos about VMware Container Networking with Antrea on the VMware Cloud Native Apps YouTube channel.