A Provider Administrator user manages system-wide Data Management for VMware Tanzu settings from the Settings view. These settings include those for:

  • Object storage repositories for Database backup storage and logs
  • Tanzu Network
  • Provider internal backup repository
  • LDAP configuration
  • SMTP email configuration
  • Log forwarding to a Syslog server or through Elastic Search

You can also set up a High Availability configuration for the Provider VM from the Settings view.

Supported Actions

Actions that you can perform from the Settings view include:

Action Description
Configure Log Forwardingh Configure Log forwarding for log aggregation and analysis.
Configure High Availability Configure a multi-Provider Data Management for VMware Tanzu deployment.
Configure Tanzu Network Configure the token that Data Management for VMware Tanzu uses to access Tanzu Network.
Configure Provider Storage Configure the repository that Data Management for VMware Tanzu uses for local storage of available database templates and software updates.
Configure Provider Log Storage Configure the repository that Data Management for VMware Tanzu uses for storing generated log bundles.
Configure Provider Backup Settings Configure the repository that Data Management for VMware Tanzu uses to store backups of the Provider internal database.
Configure Email Settings Configure an SMTP server for Data Management for VMware Tanzu system emails.
Configure LDAP Settings Configure an LDAP server for user import into Data Management for VMware Tanzu.
Update RabbitMQ Settings Configure the public RabbitMQ server address and port.
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