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If you log in to the VMware Data Services Manager console as an Organization Administrator, you can see the Namespaces view. You can only use this view to read the information about the Namespaces associated with the organization. This view has a table that has the following columns:

Column Name Description
Namespace Name The name of the Namespace.
Environment The environment associated with the Namespace.
Status The name of the Namespace. Status can be Init, Online, or Warning.
Associated Organizations The number of organizations associated with the Namespace.
Number of Databases The number of databases created by using the Namespace.
Last Modified The time and date of last modification of the Namespace.
Action This column has three dots if no databases are associated with the Namespace. If you click the three dots and select Delete, you can delete the Namespace.

If you click a Namespace in the Namespaces view, you can get more information about the Namespace through the following tabs:

  • Details tab that provides information about the various resources of a Namespace.
  • Alerts tab that provides information about the health of the Namespace and allows you to filter alerts on the basis of Datastore, Cloud Storage, and Local Storage. If any of them are in a Critical state, the Namespace Health Status turns to Critical.
  • Database Metrics tab that provides information about the top 10 databases with respect to CPU consumption and memory consumption of the organization that use the Namespace. You can also filter the metrics on the basis of a database of the organization that uses the Namespace or the amount of time considered for the metrics.
  • Datastore Metrics tab that provides information about the Datastore Free Space and Datastore Usage By Database Instances of the organization that use the Namespace. You can also filter the metrics on the basis of a Datastore or the amount of time considered for the metrics.
  • Organizations tab that provides information about the organization name, number of databases associated with the Namespace, and status of the organization (Published or Unpublished) with respect to the Namespace. You can apply filters on the basis of all these parameters.
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