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Troubleshooting your VMware Data Services Manager installation may involve generating logs on the Agent VM and/or database VM(s).

About Service Logs

A database log bundle that you generate from the VMware Data Services Manager user console aggregates relevant logs on the database VM, enabling faster diagnosis when the service faces an issue.

A database log bundle is a gziped tar file, and has the following file name format:


Generating a Service Log Bundle

You generate a database log bundle to review database activities or to diagnose errors in a database.


Ensure that you can identify the database from which you want to generate the logs.


Perform the following procedure to generate a log bundle:

  1. Select Databases from the left navigation pane.

    This action displays the Databases view, a table that lists the provisioned databases.

  2. Examine the databases listed in the table, identify the database for which you want to generate a log bundle, and navigate to that table row.

  3. Click the database VM Name.

    The database information Details tab displays.

  4. Click the Logs tab.

    This action displays a table that lists generated service log bundles.

  5. Click GENERATE LOG in the upper right corner of the view to trigger the generation of a service log bundle.

    VMware Data Services Manager initiates the task, generating an operation of type DB_LOG_GENERATION.

  6. Monitor the progress of the operation in the Operations tab or in the DB Operations view:

    1. Locate the DB_LOG_GENERATION operation type and click it.
    2. Select the State History tab to view the subtasks of the operation and their status.
    3. If the operation fails, select the Error Info tab to examine the returned error information.
  7. When the operation completes, the newly generated log bundle is added to the table. You can identify the bundle by its Generation Time.

Downloading a Service Log Bundle

You can download a service log bundle to your local host for review and analysis, or to provide to VMware support.

Note: Due to a Chrome limitation, downloading a log bundle using a Chrome browser will fail when the Provider Log Repo is not TLS-secured.

Perform the following procedure to download a service log bundle:

  1. Select Databases from the left navigation pane.

    This action displays the Databases view, a table that lists the provisioned database databases.

  2. Examine the databases listed in the table, identify the database for which you want to download a service log bundle, and navigate to that table row.

  3. Click the database VM Name.

    The database information Details tab displays.

  4. Click the Logs tab.

    This action displays a table that lists the generated service log bundles.

  5. Examine the bundles listed in the table, identify the bundle that you wish to download, and navigate to that table row.

  6. Click the cloud icon to Download Log.

    A browser-specific dialog displays, allowing you to open or to save the log bundle file.

  7. Choose your action for the file to initiate the download.

  8. Note the file system location of the downloaded log bundle file.

Deleting a Service Log Bundle

Delete one or more service log bundles when you no longer require the data.


Perform the following procedure to delete a log bundle:

  1. Select Databases from the left navigation pane.

    This action displays the Databases view, a table that lists the provisioned databases.

  2. Examine the databases listed in the table, identify the database for which you want to delete a service log bundle, and navigate to that table row.

  3. Click the database VM Name.

    The database information Details tab displays.

  4. Click the Logs tab.

    This action displays a table that lists generated service log bundles.

  5. Examine the bundles listed in the table, and identify the bundle that you wish to delete.

  6. To remove a single bundle, navigate to the table row, click the trashcan icon to Delete Log, and CONFIRM.

  7. To delete multiple log bundles:

    1. Locate and select the checkbox in the first column of each row, and click DELETE SELECTED LOGS near the upper right corner of the view.

      The Delete Database Log dialog displays; this confirmation dialog identifies the Log Name of the each bundle that you selected to delete.

    2. Click CONFIRM.

VMware Data Services Manager deletes the bundle(s) and removes them from the table.

About Agent Logs

Logs that you generate for an Agent VM aggregate relevant logs on the VM, enabling faster diagnosis when the VMware Data Services Manager service faces an issue.

An Agent log bundle is a gziped tar file, and has the following file name format:


Generating an Agent Log Bundle

You generate an Agent log bundle to review agent activities or to diagnose errors in the service.

Note: When you initiate the generation of an Agent log bundle, you also have the option to generate logs for one or more databases that are currently provisioned in the environment.


Ensure that you can identify the environment from which you want to generate the logs.


Perform the following procedure to generate a log bundle:

  1. Select Environment from the left navigation pane.

    This action displays the Environment view, a table that lists the currently onboarded vSphere environments.

  2. Examine the environments listed in the table, identify the environment of interest, and navigate to that table row.

  3. Click the database Agent VM IP.

    The environment information Details tab displays.

  4. Click the Logs tab.

    This action displays a table that lists generated log bundles.

  5. Click GENERATE LOG in the upper right corner of the view to trigger the generation of an Agent log bundle.

    VMware Data Services Manager initiates the task.

  6. When the operation completes, the newly generated log bundle is added to the table. You can identify the bundle by its Generation Time.

Downloading an Agent Log Bundle

You can download an Agent log bundle to your local host for review and analysis, or to provide to VMware support. The timestamps of downloaded log bundles display time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Note: Due to a Chrome limitation, downloading a log bundle using a Chrome browser will fail when the Provider Log Repo is not TLS-secured.

Perform the following procedure to download an Agent log bundle:

  1. Select Environment from the left navigation pane.

    This action displays the Environment view, a table that lists the currently onboarded vSphere environments.

  2. Examine the environments listed in the table, identify the environment of interest, and navigate to that table row.

  3. Click the database Agent VM IP.

    The environment information Details tab displays.

  4. Click the Logs tab.

    This action displays a table that lists generated log bundles.

  5. Examine the bundles listed in the table, identify the bundle that you wish to download, and navigate to that table row.

  6. Click the cloud icon to Download Log.

    A browser-specific dialog displays, allowing you to open or to save the log bundle file.

  7. Choose your action for the file to initiate the download.

  8. Note the file system location of the downloaded log bundle file.

Deleting an Agent Log Bundle

Delete one or more Agent log bundles when you no longer require the data.


Perform the following procedure to delete a log bundle:

  1. Select Environment from the left navigation pane.

    This action displays the Environment view, a table that lists the currently onboarded vSphere environments.

  2. Examine the environments listed in the table, identify the environment of interest, and navigate to that table row.

  3. Click the database Agent VM IP.

    The environment information Details tab displays.

  4. Click the Logs tab.

    This action displays a table that lists generated log bundles.

  5. Examine the bundles listed in the table and identify the bundle that you wish to delete.

  6. To remove a single bundle, navigate to the table row, click the trashcan icon to Delete Log, and CONFIRM.

  7. To delete multiple log bundles:

    1. Locate and select the checkbox in the first column of each row, and click DELETE SELECTED LOGS near the upper left corner of the view.

      The Delete Environment Log dialog displays; this confirmation dialog identifies the Log Name of the each bundle that you selected to delete.

    2. Click CONFIRM.

VMware Data Services Manager deletes the bundle(s) and removes them from the table.

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