This topic lists the key terms used in the VMware Data Services Manager technical documentation.

The VMware Data Services Manager control plane agent software.
Agent VM
The VM on which the VMware Data Services Manager control plane agent software runs.
A provisioned Tanzu Data Service (for example, a MySQL or PostgreSQL database).
Database Engine
A database engine supported by VMware Data Services Manager: MySQL or PostgreSQL.
Database Template
A software blueprint for deploying a specific minor version of a specific database engine.
The vCenter IP-Cluster name that represents a specific Onboarded Cluster.
Management Cluster
The vSphere cluster or VMC cluster that hosts the VMware Data Services Manager Provider, the control plane software. The Management Cluster may also be an Onboarded Cluster.
A Namespace is a group of resources that consists of datastores, networks (application network), and external storage (local and cloud storage) created by a Provider Administrator. It is a logical grouping or subset of the resources that you can use for provisioning a database.
Onboarded Cluster
A vSphere cluster or VMC cluster that is registered with VMware Data Services Manager. An Onboarded Cluster is a valid deployment target for databases.
An administrative grouping within VMware Data Services Manager comprised of one or more users. Users in an organization can provision databases in one or more Onboarded Clusters registered by, or shared with, the organization.
Organization Administrator
A VMware Data Services Manager user role with administrative privileges within a specific Organization, and who is permitted to deploy, manage, and monitor any Tanzu Data Service in the organization.
Organization User
A VMware Data Services Manager user role permitted to provision, manage, and monitor their own Tanzu Data Services.
Primary Database
A database that is the lead in a relationship to one or more Read Replica database.
The management control plane for VMware Data Services Manager.
Provider Administrator
The administrative user that manages and monitors the VMware Data Services Manager environment, Database Instances, and service.
Provider VM
The VM on which the VMware Data Services Manager control plane software runs.
Read Replica Database
An asynchronously-updated, read-only copy of a Primary database.
A software blueprint for deploying a specific minor version of a supported Tanzu Data Service (MySQL, PostgreSQL).
Tanzu Network
The VMware repository from which you can download the VMware Data Services Manager Provider and Agent `.ova`s, and from which the Provider obtains database templates and software updates.
User Role
The role assigned to a VMware Data Services Manager user - Provider Administrator, Organization Administrator, or Organization User.
VM Plan
A predefined, named combination of specific memory and vCPU resource amounts.
VMware Customer Connect
The VMware portal from which you can download the VMware Data Services Manager Provider and Agent `.ova`s.
VMware Data Services Manager
The centralized service that controls the installation and management of supported Tanzu Data Services on vSphere clusters or VMC clusters.
VMware Data Services Manager REST API
The public API exposed by VMware Data Services Manager.
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