Create migration settings for a single application.
- Start the VMware Dynamic Environment Manager Management Console.
- On the Application Migration tab, click Create.
- Enter a name for the settings definition.
- In the Source section, select the Flex configuration file corresponding to the previous version of the application.
- In the Target section, select the Flex configuration file corresponding to the new version of the application.
- (Optional) Select Overwrite target profile archive if it already exists.
- In the Migration XML section, select the XML configuration file that defines the migration steps.
The selected file is copied to the application migration settings folder.
- (Optional) In the Log file section, enter the name of the migration log file.
If you enter a relative path, it is resolved relative to the user profile archive folder. The path can contain environment variables.
- (Optional) Select Verbose logging to increase the level of detail in the log file.
- (Optional) Select Run once if you want the settings to be migrated only once.
- Click Save.