The VMware Dynamic Environment Manager configuration share is a central share on a file server. It contains all the configuration files for personalization and application configuration management of VMware Dynamic Environment Manager. FlexEngine reads configuration data from the VMware Dynamic Environment Manager configuration share when a user logs in or logs out of the environment, or when the user opens or closes applications that are configured with DirectFlex.

Folder Structure

The VMware Dynamic Environment Manager configuration share has a predefined structure. The first time when you start the Management Console, the General folder is created in the configuration share. The General folder contains the Flex configuration files that you use to define settings for personalization and application configuration management.

The General folder also contains the mandatory FlexRepository folder. The Management Console creates the FlexRepository folder the first time you configure a user environment setting, such as a printer mapping. The FlexRepository folder contains all the configuration files for the user environment settings and condition sets.


Requirement Description
Networking To optimize login times, ensure that the computer from which the user logs in has a 1-Gbps connection to the configuration share.
Storage Storage requirements might vary based on the specific deployment. A general guideline is to have at least 200 kB per application with a starting minimum size of 1 GB.
Share permissions The Everyone group must have Change permissions applied.
NTFS security permissions
  • Administrators must have Full Control permissions applied to This folder, subfolders and files.
  • End users must have Read & execute permissions applied to This folder, subfolders and files.
    Note: If you want to use VMware Dynamic Environment Manager computer environment settings, remote computer accounts must also have Read & execute permissions applied to This folder, subfolders and files.
Caution: For security reasons, non-administrators must not have Write permissions on the VMware Dynamic Environment Manager configuration share.