You can enable FlexEngine to run automatically during logon by running as a Group Policy client-side extension.

By running FlexEngine as Group Policy Extension, settings that VMware Dynamic Environment Manager manages are applied earlier during the logon phase rather than when running FlexEngine from a logon script. This way, the range of settings that can be managed by VMware Dynamic Environment Manager is extended, such as the Windows Multilanguage User Interface or slideshow backgrounds.


  • Enable the Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon Computer Group Policy setting to ensure that the FlexEngine Group Policy client-side extension runs during each logon. Apply this setting to an OU in Active Directory where all the Windows clients are located.
  • Configure a logon script through Group Policy to run FlexEngine with the -OfflineImport argument. This is needed to ensure that FlexEngine still runs at logon when a computer is offline and a user logs on with cached credentials, because Group Policy client-side extensions do not run in such a scenario. See Additional FlexEngine Operations.
  • Configure FlexEngine logout commands through a Group Policy logoff script as described in Configure FlexEngine to Run From a Logoff Script. FlexEngine Group Policy client-side extension runs only during logon.


  1. In the Group Policy Management Editor, double-click the Run FlexEngine as Group Policy Extension setting.
  2. Select Enabled.