Associate a network printer.

Important: To avoid slow logon times and other logon issues, add printer drivers to the base image.


  1. Start the VMware Dynamic Environment Manager Management Console.
  2. Select a Flex configuration file and click the User Environment tab.
  3. Click Add and select Printer Mapping.
  4. Enter a name for the settings definition.
  5. Configure the printer mapping settings.
    Option Description
    Remote path The UNC path of the share. Can contain environment variables.
    Default printer (Optional) If enabled, the printer is marked as the default.
    Run once (Optional) If enabled, the printer mapping only occurs once.
    Undo at application exit (Optional) If enabled, the printer is unmapped when the DirectFlex or App-V application exits.
    Run asynchronously (Optional) If enabled, the printer mapping occurs in the background. If not enabled, FlexEngine waits for the printer mapping to finish before continuing.
    Note: You cannot use Run once and Undo at application exit at the same time.
  6. Click Save.