As an option, you can configure advanced DirectFlex settings for fine-grained control over DirectFlex export settings and visual feedback.

Setting Value
OnlyExportAtLogoff To enable this setting, set the value to 1. By default, DirectFlex exports profile information when an application is closed. When you enable this setting, the export action runs when the user logs out.
Note: This setting can be overridden through the DirectFlex settings in the Management Console.
DirectFlexNotification To enable this setting, set the value to 1. When enabled, a message is displayed in the notification area when DirectFlex performs an import or export.
DirectFlexNotificationDelay Set the number of seconds to delay. If the DirectFlex import or export takes less time than the configured delay, no message appears. Configure this setting to display messages only when the access to the profile archives path is slow. If the delay is set to 0, messages are shown immediately.
DirectFlexHideExitNotification To enable this setting, set the value to 1. Enable this option to show a message only when DirectFlex is performing an import.