You can configure general settings for the SyncTool without using Active Directory.

Add and edit the general settings in the NoAD.xml file.
Table 1. General Settings in NoAD Mode
Setting XML attribute Description
Enable SyncTool Synctool To enable this setting, set the value to 1. If enabled, SyncTool starts during the login process before FlexEngine performs its path-based import. This way, the latest changes are always synchronized before FlexEngine processes them at login. At logout, SyncTool runs after FlexEngine, synchronizing the latest changes.
Local sync path LocalSyncPath The location where SyncTool stores all the VMware Dynamic Environment Manager files. Configure to a local path, unique per user. Use %LOCALAPPDATA%\VMware DEM.
Watch local profile archive changes WatchLocalProfileArchiveChanges To enable this setting, set the value to 1. If enabled, a synchronization is automatically triggered in resident mode when a local modification to a profile archive is detected. For example, when closing an application for which DirectFlex is configured.
Synchronization Intervals




During resident mode, synchronization occurs periodically. Configure this setting to specify how frequently the synchronization occurs. If you do not configure this setting, synchronization takes place every 3600 seconds (every hour).
  • ConfigSyncInterval. Controls the synchronization interval of the VMware Dynamic Environment Manager configuration files path, which contains all Flex config (.ini) files. Specify this value in seconds.
  • RepositorySyncInterval. Controls the synchronization interval of the Flex Repository folder, which contains all the User Environment, Condition Set, and Application Migration (XML) files. Specify this value in seconds.
  • ProfileArchiveSyncInterval. Controls the synchronization interval of the VMware Dynamic Environment Manager profile archives, which contain personal settings. Specify this value in seconds.
Synchronization retry intervals




In resident mode, if a synchronization fails or is not allowed due to network thresholds, a retry is performed periodically. Configure this setting to specify how frequently the retry happens. If you do not configure this setting, retry takes place every 300 seconds (every 5 minutes).
  • ConfigRetryInterval. Controls the retry interval when the synchronization of the VMware Dynamic Environment Manager configuration files path has failed. Specify this value in seconds.
  • RepositoryRetryInterval. Controls the retry interval when the synchronization of the Flex Repository folder has failed. Specify this value in seconds.
  • ProfileArchiveRetryInterval. Controls the retry interval when the synchronization of the VMware Dynamic Environment Manager profile archives has failed. Specify this value in seconds.
VMware DEM SyncTool logging








Set SyncToolLog to 1 to create a FlexSync.log file in the configured Local Sync Path.

Once you enable the SyncTool log, configure the following settings.

SyncToolLogLevel. Controls the level of detail that is logged. Use one of the following values:
  • 0(DEBUG)
  • 1 (INFO)
  • 2 (WARN)
  • 3 (ERROR)
Note: Do not use 0 (DEBUG) or 1 (INFO) in production environments, because the amount of logging information might slow down the login and logout process.
SyncToolLogLevel. Controls the level of detail that is logged. Use one of the following values:
  • SyncToolLogMaxSize. When specified, the log file is recreated after that size is reached. If the maximum size is set to 0, the file expands indefinitely. Specify this value in kilobytes (kB).
  • SyncToolStatusLog. To create the central status log, set the value to 1. Logs the most important synchronization status to a central log file. A file named FlexSyncStatus-%COMPUTERNAME%.log is created during logout, in the same folder as the log file of FlexEngine.
  • SyncToolStatusLogMaxSize. When specified, the sync status log file is truncated if the maximum threshold size is reached. It is truncated to the size specified in the SyncToolStatusLogLeaveSize setting. If the maximum size is set to 0, the file expands indefinitely. Specify this value in kilobytes (kB).
  • SyncToolStatusLogLeaveSize. When configured, this setting specifies the size of the sync status log file to maintain after the SyncToolStatusLogMaxSize threshold is reached and the log file is truncated. Specify this value in kilobytes (kB).
  • SyncToolResidentMaxLogLines. Limits the number of log lines in the UI. This means that after the threshold is reached, the old lines are removed when new lines are added.
Synchronize profile archive backups SyncBackups Use this setting to configure when profile archive backups are synchronized. If you configure backups to be synchronized during a session, you can choose to do this once per session. Enter one of the following values:
  • 1 (Only during session)
  • 2(Only once during session)
  • 3 (Only at logout)
  • 4(During session and at logout)
Note: Backups are never synchronized at login.
Note: If you do not configure this setting, profile archive backups are never synchronized.
Sync the local FlexEngine log file to network at logout SyncFlexEngineLog To enable this setting, set the value to 1. When enabled, the local FlexEngine log file is uploaded to the central location. The name of the log file is modified to include the computer name.
Do not use laptop conflict resolution DoNotUseLaptopConflictResolution To enable this setting, set the value to 1. Enabling this setting means you will disable laptop conflict resolution.

Controls the behavior when a conflict is detected between a local and a central profile archive. A conflict occurs when both the local and central profile archives have changed since the last synchronization. In the default behavior, known as laptop conflict resolution, the local profile archive is selected. If this setting is enabled, conflict resolution for laptops is not applied and the profile archive with the most recent changes is selected.

Hide the Sync button in resident mode UI HideSyncButton To enable this setting, set the value to 1. When enabled, the Sync button is hidden in the resident mode UI.
Do not synchronize icons DoNotSynchronizeIcons To enable this setting, set the value to 1. When enabled, the ICO files are not synchronized. This can improve performance on slow networks.
Trigger FlexEngine refresh












To enable this setting, set the value to 1 for each item type you want to trigger a refresh. When enabled, SyncTool triggers a FlexEngine refresh if the synchronization results in updates for one or more of the selected item types: DirectFlex configuration, ADMX-based settings, application blocking, drive mappings, environment variables, file type associations, Horizon Smart Policies, printer mappings, privilege elevation, shortcuts, and triggered task settings.
Files to synchronize FilesToSync Use this setting to only synchronize the configuration files or the user-specific files. By default, SyncTool synchronizes both Flex configuration files and the user-specific profile archives, profile archive backups, and log files. Enter one of the following values:
  • 1 (synchronize Flex configuration files)
  • 2 (synchronize profile archives, profile archives backups, and log files)