Use these advanced FlexEngine settings to configure VMware Dynamic Environment Manager in specific scenarios.

Important: OneDrive for Business integration is going to be removed in VMware Dynamic Environment Manager 2303. For more information, contact your account team.
Caution: These advanced configuration settings must be used only by experienced Windows administrators when a specific functionality is required.
Setting XML Attribute Description
Symantec Endpoint Protection DirectFlex export fix DirectFlexExportFallback="1" Set the value to 1
DirectFlex compatibility fix for BeyondTrust and Avecto DirectFlexRenewHook="0" Set the value to 0
Allow processing ADMX-based settings, application blocking, privilege elevation and Horizon Smart Policies configuration during a session AllowAdmxInSession="1" Set the value to 1
Remove local profile at logoff RemoveLocalProfileAtLogoff="1"

SkipRemoveLocalProfileAtLogoffForGroupsOfUsers="User GroupNames"

SkipRemoveLocalProfileAtLogoffForGroupsOfDevices="Device GroupNames"


Note: All settings and user data stored in the user profile are deleted.
Set the value of RemoveLocalProfileAtLogoff to 1.

To skip removal of local profile at logoff for certain users or devices, specify a comma-separated list of group names.

For example, SkipRemoveLocalProfileAtLogoffForGroupsOfUsers="UserGroup1, UserGroup2"SkipRemoveLocalProfileAtLogoffForGroupsOfDevices="DeviceGroup1, DeviceGroup2"

Set the value of SkipRemoveLocalProfileAtLogoffForAdminGroup to 1 if you do not want to remove local profile at logoff for the members of the local administrators group.
Prevent export for failed import SkipExportForFailedImport="1" Set the value to 1
Disable DirectFlex - option 1 DisableDirectFlex="1"
  • Set the value to 1 to Disable DirectFlex
  • Set the value to 2 to Disable DirectFlex and process DirectFlex config files during logon and logoff
Printer mapping - number of retries when mapping MapPrinterRetryCount="20" Set the value to any number (default 20) (decimal)
Printer mapping - number of retries when unmapping UnmapPrinterRetryCount="20" Set the value to any number (default 20) (decimal)
Special Drive Mapping Logic SpecialDriveMappingLogic="2" Set the value to 2
Disable DEM agent features - Disable during logon only UEMActionDriveMappingDuringLogon="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable during logon only UEMActionFileTypeAssociationDuringLogon="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable during logon only UEMActionPrinterMappingDuringLogon="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable during logon only UEMActionShortCutDuringLogon="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionPrivilegeElevation="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UemActionAdmx="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionApplicationBlocking="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionDriveMapping="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionEnvVar="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionFileTypeAssociation="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionFolderRedirection="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionHorizonPolicy="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionImport="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionPrinterMapping="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionShortcut="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionTask="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UemActionHideDrive="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UemActionPolicy="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UemActionTriggeredTask="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UemActionMigrate="0" Set the value to 0
Environment Variable prefix EnvVarPrefix="anyvalue" Set to anyvalue
Validate .REG file ValidateRegFile="1" Set the value to 1
Compatibility fix for Sophos EndPoint Protection DirectFlexFollowJMPHook="1" Set the value to 1
Compatibility fix for VMware Horizon smartcard redirection DirectFlexHookLoadLibrary="0" Set the value to 0
Global excludes GlobalExcludesConfigFile="filename.INI" Use this setting to apply global exclusions across all Flex config files. Specify the absolute or relative path to your global excludes Flex config file here. If a relative path is specified, it is resolved against the General folder.
Diagnostics: Collect performance log PerformanceLogFilename="perflog.blg"
Enable this setting to collect a binary performance log while DEM is performing a path-based import. This log can be subsequently viewed and analyzed in Windows Performance Monitor.

If only the performance log filename is configured, the following performance counters are collected.

  • \Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time
  • \System\Context Switches/sec
  • \System\Processor Queue Length
  • \PhysicalDisk(_Total)\Avg. Disk Queue Length
  • \PhysicalDisk(_Total)\Disk Reads/sec
  • \PhysicalDisk(_Total)\Disk Writes/sec
  • \PhysicalDisk(_Total)\Avg. Disk sec/Transfer
  • \Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use
  • \Memory\Page Faults/sec
If performance counters are configured, only the configured counters are collected.
Diagnostics: Log CPU and I/O statistics at logon and logoff LogProcessStatsAtLogonAndLogoff="1" Set the value to 1 to log CPU and I/O statistics at logon and logoff
Diagnostics: Log CPU and I/O statistics for registry import LogProcessStatsForRegistryImport="1" Set the value to 1 to log CPU and I/O statistics for registry import
Diagnostics: Log CPU consumption CpuConsumptionLimit="threshold" Enable this setting to log CPU consumption of other processes that were running while DEM performed a path-based import or export. CPU usage is logged for each process that consumed more CPU than the configured threshold (in milliseconds)
Diagnostics: Log slow calls CallTimeLimit="threshold" Enable this setting to configure how long certain calls can take (in milliseconds) before a warning is logged
Diagnostics: Enable verbose logging for ADMX-based settings, application blocking, privilege elevation and Horizon Smart Policies AdmxLogging="1" Set the value to 1
DFS namespace support for application blocking (requires DEM 2111 or later) ApplicationBlockingSupportDFSPath="1" Set the value to 1
Disable undo at logoff (requires DEM 2111 or later) FolderRedirectionUndo="0" Set the value to 0
Folder redirection - Disable folder name localization (requires DEM 2111 or later) FolderRedirectionLocalization="0" Set the value to 0
Multiple concurrent sessions - Perform single import and export MultiSession="0" Set the value to 0
Multiple concurrent sessions - Apply Horizon Smart Policies in every session HorizonSmartPoliciesMultiSession="0" Set the value to 0
Only perform path-based export (requires DEM 2111 or later) ExportOnly="1" Set the value to 1
Override existing user policy registry settings (requires DEM 2111 or later) AllowAdmxOverride="1" Set the value to 1
Silo-specific Flex config files SiloIniFilePath="path" Specify the absolute path with silo-specific configuration files
Silo-specific suffix SiloSuffix="suffix" Specify silo suffix to use. It defaults to last component of silo-specific Flex config files path
OneDrive for Business integration - Interactive authentication (requires DEM 2111 or later) IsIWA="0" Set the value to 0 to enable interactive authentication
OneDrive for Business integration - Domain name (requires DEM 2111 or later) DomainHint="your-domain.tld" Set the domain name to use for interactive authentication
Process environment variable settings before folder redirection (requires DEM 2203 or later) ProcessEnvVarBeforeFolderRedirection="1" Set the value to 1 to process DEM environment variables settings before folder redirection settings
Override previously hidden drive letters (requires DEM 2203 or later) OverrideHideDrives="1" Set the value to 1 to override the existing Hide Drives Settings.
Custom Commands
Custom command to run before path-based import PreExecutionCommand="command" Specify the command to run
Custom command to run after path-based import (requires DEM 2111 or later) PostLogonCommand="command" Specify the command to run
Custom command to run before path-based export (requires DEM 2111 or later) PreLogoffCommand="command" Specify the command to run
Custom command to run after path-based export (requires DEM 2111 or later) PostLogoffCommand="command" Specify the command to run
Expand environment variables in custom command settings (requires DEM 2203 or later) ExpandCustomCommands="1" Set the value to 1
OneDrive for Business Integration - Azure AD application (requires DEM 2206 or later) ClientId="Azure AD application ID"

Set the value to the ID of the Azure AD application that should be used instead of VMware's multi-tenant Azure AD application.

Use built-in registry parser (requires DEM 2206 or later) EnableRegParser="1"
Caution: This is a Tech Preview feature in VMware Dynamic Environment Manager 2206 and later. The Tech Preview feature(s) are not supported by VMware for production use. VMware strongly recommends you to enable these features only when you want to test in a lab or a UAT environment.

Set the value to 1 to use the built-in registry parser instead of regedit.exe or reg.exe to import registry settings.

License location (requires DEM 2206 or later) LicenseLocation="path to FlexEngine.lic" Set the value to the fully-qualified absolute path of the license file, to override the default location where the DEM agent expects to find its license.

For example, LicenseLocation="C:\Users\test\Desktop\License.xml"

By default, the DEM agent finds its license in the General\FlexRepository\AgentConfiguration\License.xml file on the config share.

Disable import and export (requires DEM 2209 or later)



Specify a comma-separated list of group names to disable import and export for certain users or devices.

For example,

